Home Psychology Anxiety Can Be Overwhelming And Debilitating, But It Doesn’t Define You

Anxiety Can Be Overwhelming And Debilitating, But It Doesn’t Define You


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders in both adults and children, affecting millions of people every year worldwide. For those millions, the symptoms of anxiety can range from irritability, distractedness, and nausea to chronic fatigue and full-blown panic attacks.

Those who are suffering from this overwhelming and debilitating condition are often embarrassed about the symptoms they’re struggling with. They worry other people might find them distant or weird. They may feel like no one understands their inner struggles too. They may feel weak and alone.

But, what every person who is struggling with anxiety needs to know is that no anxiety symptom should be perceived as embarrassing. They should never let their condition define who they are or determine their worth. Instead, they should talk to their loved ones about the anxiety symptoms they’re experiencing  so as to get the help and support they need and overcome their condition.

Here are 10 symptoms that people struggling with anxiety often experience:

1. Excessive worrying.

Whether it’s worrying that they might not be able to finish a project at work on time, or that their friends might think they’re weird, or that their partner might find them too difficult to deal with, worrying about daily matters is something that people living with anxiety do on a daily basis.

Sometimes the worrying can get so nagging and intrusive that it can make it hard for them to concentrate and successfully accomplish their daily tasks.

2. A high level of distress.

Anxiety is more than just worrying or feeling nervous. It is one thing to be nervous before a presentation, an exam, or an important meeting.  

But, if that tension affects your thoughts and feelings, interferes with your daily activities, and consumes your entire day when you don’t have to “face” any of the above-mentioned situations, then that is a completely different matter.

3. Insomnia.

When you struggle with anxiety on a daily basis, your mind and body get so exhausted that it’s no wonder that many of those living with this condition suffer from insomnia. Whether they’re having difficulty falling or staying asleep or both, not being able to have a good quality sleep can be very frustrating and debilitating for them.

4. Restlessness.

When they are anxious, it can be very hard for them to stay still or be quiet and calm. It is as if their anxiety is causing them to move all the time. So, whether it’s nail biting, leg bouncing, or hair pulling, people who are struggling with anxiety often feel the need to do it.

5. Numb or cold hands and feet.

Cold or numb hands and feet is just one of the weird sensations people struggling with anxiety often experience. When their anxiety reaches its peak, it can affect their breathing which in turn can lead their body to direct their blood flow away from their hands and feet towards their vital organs.

6. Dry mouth.

Dry mouth is a common side effect of many medications used to treat conditions like pain, depression, and of course, anxiety. So, regardless of how much water they drink, a person suffering from anxiety can still have a sticky, dry feeling in their mouth.

7. Dizziness.

To those who don’t have anxiety, dizziness might appear as a minor symptom that people living with anxiety have to experience. But, the truth is that sometimes dizziness can be quite debilitating. It can cause their vision to get blurry and make it difficult for them to stand up or even sit down.

8. Sweating.

The more anxious they feel, the more they are likely to sweat. And it’s not only their armpits that sweat when feeling anxious. Their face and hands can get covered in sweat too. They might also experience frequent hot flashes. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most inconvenient symptoms they experience.

9. Lack of concentration.

This overwhelming and debilitating condition makes your brain feel busy all the time. It makes you torture yourself with needless worries and nagging, unreasonable doubts.

That’s the reason why it can be hard for those struggling with anxiety to accomplish their daily tasks. Every time they try to concentrate on the task at hand, their anxiety distracts them.

10. Asking for help.

Unfortunately, many people struggling with anxiety feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help. What they need to know is that talking about their condition to their loved ones – the people who truly love and care about them, or a medical professional can greatly help them overcome their condition.

So, if you happen to be someone who is suffering from anxiety, don’t be ashamed to tell your loved ones what you’re going through and what you’re struggling with. Remember, you don’t need to fight this battle alone!

Riley Cooper