Home Stories Being Single Teaches You Valuable Lessons About Life

Being Single Teaches You Valuable Lessons About Life

Being Single Teaches You Valuable Lessons About Life

1. Being single teaches you that you don’t need to be in love so as to feel loved.

It teaches you that love is not only confined to romantic relationships. Love is everywhere around you. It can come from family, friends, and most importantly, from yourself.

By realizing the value of that platonic love, not only will you find yourself more content being single, but you will be a better partner when you find someone, because instead of relying on them to make you feel loved, you will be able to share the love you already feel for each other.

2. Being single teaches you that your relationship status doesn’t determine your happiness.

Being alone teaches you that you’re the only one responsible for your happiness. You’re the only one that knows what is best for you. You’re the only one that knows what you need to live a truly meaningful life.

Being single teaches you that you don’t need to be in a relationship to feel happy, fulfilled, and appreciated. It teaches you that you can live a happy life without depending on someone to love you and be there for you when you go through rough times in life.

Being Single Can Teach You

3. Being single teaches you that you’re the only one who has the responsibility to see your worth.

Being alone teaches you that you don’t need anyone else to see your value. You don’t need anyone else to validate your existence. The only person who has the responsibility to be aware of your qualities and strength is YOU. Because only when you’re aware of your worth, will you attract genuine and good people into your life.

4. Being single teaches you how to be genuinely independent.

I’ve perceived myself to be an independent person for most of my life. But, being alone has shown me how to be genuinely independent.

Being single has taught me that going to restaurants alone, going to the movies by myself, or sitting at the beach on my own isn’t bad or awkward. It’s taught me that being able to do exactly what I want to, when I want to, and with whoever I want to is a true feeling of freedom. It’s taught me to enjoy being in my own company, and love myself exactly the way I am.

5. Being single teaches you what any healthy and happy relationship requires.

Being single teaches you that unless you love and take good care of yourself, you’ll never be able to love someone else. It teaches you that if you don’t treat yourself with kindness, compassion, respect, and dignity, you’ll never be able to treat someone else this way. It teaches you that a relationship can be truly happy and successful if both partners are willing to compromise and entirely commit to each other.

6. Being single teaches you that alone time is recovery time.

A lot of people in relationships don’t appear to remember how to spend time on their own because they devote so much of it to their partners. They don’t appear to remember the importance of spending time alone.

Because alone time allows you to explore your innermost feelings and thoughts. It allows you to reach the deepest parts of your soul, find out what your insecurities and fears are, and find ways to overcome them. It also allows you to do activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. It allows you to figure out what habits you need to change so as to get in life where you’ve always wanted to be.

7. Being single teaches you that you never have to settle for less than you deserve.

Being alone teaches you that you never have to settle for mediocre or one-sided relationships. You never have to settle for relationships that don’t bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into your life.

You never have to settle for someone who doesn’t accept you and cherish you for who you are. Someone who doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Someone who takes you for granted. Someone who sucks the energy and happiness out of you. Someone who doesn’t deserve you.

Riley Cooper