Home Love & Relationships Woman, You Deserve A Man Who Will Make You Feel Special Every...

Woman, You Deserve A Man Who Will Make You Feel Special Every Day


You deserve to feel special every day. Not just when you two start dating. Not just when you don’t know much about each other and everything is exciting and new. Not just when you are only his potential life partner as he can’t stop imagining the way you taste or feel.

You deserve a man who will make you feel worthy and special on days when you are not together, when he is busy with work or doing other things, but he lets you know that he is thinking of you. You deserve someone who will make you feel like you are the most important thing to them. Someone who would rather be spending time with you over anything else.

Woman, you deserve a man that will make every date special. Someone who will be thoughtful and put the same effort on your hundredth date as he did on the first. You deserve to have someone who will pay attention to the things you like and use them in their plans all with the goal to make you happy.

You deserve to be more important than his phone. You deserve to have his full attention when you are together. You deserve a man who is PRESENT in your life.

Darling, you deserve to have your fairytale. Someone who will make your life magical. Someone who will enjoy late-night talks and whose words will take you to faraway places. Someone who wants to explore every dream with you. Someone who will make your stomach hurt from all the laughter. Someone whose touch will give you butterflies in your stomach. Someone whose fingers perfectly interlock with yours. Someone whose kisses you will never forget and always crave for more.

Woman, you deserve so much more than unanswered calls and being left on ‘seen.’ You deserve so much more than feeling like you are doing all the work. You deserve so much more than someone who is not sure whether he wants to be with you in a real way.

Because you deserve all the best things in life. You deserve to feel special every single day. You deserve to be a priority. You deserve someone who will see your worth and your magic.

You deserve all this every day, and not when it is convenient for them.

Anything less is a waste of your time.

Mary Wright