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Science Reveals Why Reading Books Should Be Your Top Priority


According to statistics, 26% of American adults admit that they have not read any book within the last year. If you too find yourself in this group, then scientists are sure that you are missing out on many great things. Namely, they say that reading is good for every person on many different levels.

For instance, reading will help you be more creative and open-minded.  And this is based on a research conducted at the University of Toronto, where it was concluded that the participants who read fiction books needed less “cognitive closure” in comparison to their counterparts who didn’t read books or have only read nonfiction essays.

“Although nonfiction reading allows students to learn the subject matter, it may not always help them in thinking about it,” the authors write. “A physician may have an encyclopedic knowledge of his or her subject, but this may not prevent the physician from seizing and freezing on a diagnosis when additional symptoms point to a different malady.”

Moreover, people who read books live longer. Or one Yale research of 3,635 people older than fifty says so. Namely, the researchers found that those participants who read books every day even for 30 minutes, live longer than those who don’t read books or who only read magazines and newspapers. It seems that by reading books your cognitive engagement improves and with it your concentration and your thinking process improve as well. You’ll also become more empathetic, perceptive, and emotionally intelligent.

And if you think that you don’t have time for reading books, science proves once again that reading 50 books a year is actually possible and you can do it no matter how busy your schedule is. Many business people admit that their thinking that they don’t have time was only a lame excuse. And once you trade swiping down your social media, and instead of flipping book pages, you can accomplish your goal.

Finally, all successful people are bookworms.

That’s due to the fact that the majority of successful people are over-achievers and are self-improving every day. They are always working on themselves and setting new goals. Plus, they are all bookworms and excessive readers. Many of them read one book per week.

So, what are you waiting for? Go to your closest library and start reading!  

Mary Wright