Home Love & Relationships My Mother Is My Best Friend And I Am Not Ashamed To...

My Mother Is My Best Friend And I Am Not Ashamed To Admit It

mother best friend

My mother is my best friend and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

She’s my best friend because we’ve had a close and deep connection throughout my entire life. Because she’s never let me down.  Because she is the reason I believe that there are still good people out there.

My mother is my best friend because she’s always there for me. She’s there when I need someone to give me a wise piece of advice. She’s there when I need someone to share my worries and problems with. She’s there when I need someone to complain to about something. She’s there when I need someone only to listen to me.

My mother is my best friend because I can always count on her. Because she is always there to hold my hand and comfort me when I’m going through a tough period in life. She knows what to say to cheer me up and let me know that I’m never alone.

My mother is my best friend because she understands me. She understands my feelings, my needs, my passions, and my weaknesses as well. She is patient with me, even when I’m behaving irrationally. She doesn’t think I’m “overly sensitive” or “dramatic” when I’m angry or when I cry my eyes out during an emotional movie.

My mother is my best friend because she accepts me and cherishes me for who I am. She knows all of my annoying habits, whims, fears, and insecurities, but she never judges me for them. She embraces my weaknesses and imperfections. And most importantly, she’s taught me to accept and love myself the way I am.

My mother is my best friend because she is my protector. She always has my back. She never allows anyone to criticize me or make fun of me in her presence. She is willing to walk through fire to protect me from any evil and pain in the world. And most importantly, she’s taught me to stand up for myself.

My mother is my best friend because she knows everything about me. She knows when I had my first kiss and when I first started smoking. She knows my most embarrassing moments in life. Why?

Because I feel free and comfortable sharing every detail of my life with her. Because she keeps my secrets. Because I fully trust her.

Best Friend mother

My mother is my best friend because she’s always honest with me. She doesn’t beat around the bush or avoid telling me that I am wrong about something only to make me feel better about myself. She always tells me the truth, no matter how cruel or painful it may be.

My mother is my best friend because she encourages me to pursue my goals and fulfill my dreams. She believes in me. She believes in my qualities. She believes that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

My mother is my best friend because she loves me genuinely. Purely. Deeply. Selflessly. Unconditionally. Wholeheartedly.

My mother is my best friend because she’s my biggest cheerleader. She’s my greatest help and support. My strength.  My rock. My guardian angel. My guiding light. My soulmate.

My mother is my best friend and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Because she loves me and cares about me in ways no one else ever will. Because she brings happiness, joy, and a sense of fulfillment into my life. Because she makes my life complete. Meaningful. Whole.

Riley Cooper