Home Love & Relationships I’ve Never Wanted A Perfect Relationship. I Just Want Someone To Try...

I’ve Never Wanted A Perfect Relationship. I Just Want Someone To Try As Hard As I Do

I Just Want Someone To Try As Hard As I Do

My definition of a relationship is not presents, romantic dinners, and roses. A relationship for me is a connection between two souls who are willing to put effort to make it work.

When it comes to love, I want us to share with each other our deepest secrets and desires. I want us to be comfortable around one another and truly enjoy our time together.

I want you to trust me. I want to trust you. I want real love. I don’t want to ever get worried whether you’ll give up on me and abandon me one day. Consistency is a very important quality to me in a person and I want a relationship I can trust and call it mine.

Because, there are so many mediocre things in life and for me, love shouldn’t be one of them. If we are going to try, I want us to try all the way. I want a strong partnership that is able to withstand all the problems that inevitably happen in all relationships.

I want us to be best friends and lovers. But, I don’t want to be the only one who is trying. Because relationships should consist of two people who are equally putting an effort and fighting for the connection. It takes two souls who love each other and want to be together to be able to work on their differences and make their relationship perfect in their own way.

I am aware that it will be hard at times, but if we are willing to do it – we can. We can talk and compromise. We can say I am sorry if we have made a mistake. And we can forgive each other because our love should be stronger than any argument or disagreement that comes our way.

And no matter what happens, I will always be the light on your path just like you are to me.

Mary Wright