Home Stories It’s Official: Moms Need To Go On Vacations Without Their Children

It’s Official: Moms Need To Go On Vacations Without Their Children

mom vacation

Moms from all around the world need to relieve the stress that comes from motherhood and psychologists have come up with an amazing idea: a momcation.

A momcation is a vacation that a mother takes alone without her children in order to rest, refresh, and relieve the stress from day-to-day duties. Because let’s face it – being a mother is a full-time job. And every mom deserves a break from time to time.

Dr. Nava Silton is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Marymount College in Manhattan and she says that leaving mothers to have a vacation on their own and refill their batteries is essential for the wellbeing of every member of the family. Getting some “me” time can be extremely beneficial because motherhood tends to be very stressful and energy-consuming.

“Motherhood can be very stressful – whether it’s financial stresses, time stresses, just trying to get a whole lot done in a short period of time. I think it’s really important for mothers to be rejuvenated and refreshed,” says Dr. Silton.

And not only does a momcation prove to be a great and fun vacation for mothers, but many psychologists are also now suggesting that momcations improve all family relationships and strengthen the bond between family members.

And while many moms feel guilty leaving their children and their husband alone, Dr. Shilton explains that children need to witness the “balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation.”

One mother of two, Judy Khosh, went on a “momcation” and after it, said that she felt like a better mom. She became more peaceful, patient, and more loving with her kids and in turn, she became also a better wife to her husband.

There you go. If you are a mom, you should understand that looking after yourself doesn’t mean that you are selfish, and you don’t care about your family. On the contrary, momcations are the best way for mothers to remember that taking care of themselves means taking better care of their family.

After all, everyone deserves a break, right?

Mary Wright