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I Hope 2020 Gives You The Strength And Courage To Finally Start Something New

I Hope 2020 Gives You The Strength And Courage To Finally Start Something New

As we rapidly approach the end of another year, it seems normal and completely expected to start planning ahead. After all, we all want to finish the year strong. We all want to start the new year with a clean slate.

So, December is always that month when we start running around completing leftover tasks and finishing projects last minute. It is that festive time of the year when we take the time to create our resolutions for the next year, or in other words rewrite the same ones from the previous year.

Pretty sad, huh? Well, it is the truth. Wait until you hear the statistics… Apparently, we’re terribly lazy and love staying in our comfort zones, because according to a research 80% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions actually drop them before the end of January.

The truth is, it happened to me and I am pretty sure that it happened to most of you out there. That is why I am here.

I say this year, don’t make resolutions. Instead, focus on self-growth in every aspect of your life and don’t forget to enjoy yourself in the process. 

I hope 2020 is the year when you find the strength and courage to finally…

1. Start focusing on everything that you have. Your physical health. Your mental and emotional wellbeing. Your experiences, both good and bad. The roof over your head. The warm food on your table. Your family. Your dearest friends.

2. Start appreciating the present moment. I hope this is the year when you realize that there is nothing else you can do for the past except let go of it. And learn to live where life actually takes place. At this exact moment. Right here and right now.


3. Start being honest with yourself. I hope you finally face your fears, insecurities, limitations, and blockages that terrify you beyond words because that is the only way you will ever set yourself free.

4. Start ignoring what others say or think about you. What they say about you. How they look at you. I hope 2020 is the year when you finally learn to be who you are without giving a damn if people like you.

5. Start taking care of yourself. I hope 2020 is the year when you realize that you are the only one who can actually save yourself. That putting yourself first is not selfish, but necessary.

6. Start doing the best that you can. Without working yourself to the point of complete mental and physical breakdown.

7. Start taking responsibility for your life. I hope 2020 gives you the strength to finally claim full responsibility for everything that happens to you and deal with your hardships head-on.

8. Start surrounding yourself with the right people. I hope you finally understand that being alone is much better than being surrounded by people who don’t mean well. I hope you finally cut off those toxic individuals and focus on healing yourself.

9. Start realizing that the obstacles along the way are your stepping stones. I hope 2020 teaches you that those rocks standing in the way are not supposed to discourage you but challenge you. That life never gives you more than you can handle. And that ultimately, every obstacle you overcome brings you one step closer to your wildest dreams.

10. Start creating the life of your dreams. I honestly hope that 2020 is the year when you realize that you are the only one standing in your way to achieving your dreams. That no matter how much you try to go according to a certain plan, time will never be right and circumstances… Well, they won’t always be perfect.

I hope the next year gives you that nudge and encourages you to get out of that comfort zone that prevents you from living the life that you want. I hope 2020, gives you the strength to start something new.

Stephanie Reeds