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 An Open Heartfelt Letter To The Girl Who Is Trying To Get Healthy Again – You Are A Fighter


Dear girl trying her best to get healthy again,

I’m so proud of you. I know it’s hard as hell and you’d rather have a double quarter pounder, with extra fries and dessert for later instead of sweating that ass off, but trust me, it’s worth it.

I know it hurts. And I know that the change takes time. But, what you’re doing is amazing and I’m proud of you. You are determined to take care of the things you don’t like about yourself.

And no, it’s not that you don’t love yourself. Don’t let people grind you down and discourage you from achieving your dreams. I once felt the same. So, I know how you feel.

The “love yourself” talk is real and completely fine. We should all cherish ourselves, take care of our souls and nurture our bodies. We only have one life.

But, this is completely different. You decided that you want to change some things about yourself and that was it. The desire was too big, yet so possible, so you simply found a way to resist everything else that got in the way of your dreams.

And for that, I salute you.

You are a true warrior. Because I know how frustrating it is to sit with another person who can literally have an elephant for lunch and stay the same. I know how annoying it is to have to give up on things you once enjoyed. But, everything has a price.

The most important thing is that you are determined to reach the things you desire. And you are doing great. I’m sure that there are days when you’d rather lay down instead of working that booty and sweating on the treadmill, but that’s all just a part of the process.

I want you to know that it’s a huge accomplishment to not have a soda in two weeks and switch from sweets to fruit. To all of you out there judging, I’m not saying that’s wrong.  But if getting healthy and fit is what you really want from life, it is totally worth the struggle.

I’m truly proud of you for doing this. Because I know that you’re doing this for yourself. Not because others judged you, but because you wanted the change. You wanted to give your maximum and completely devote on yourself. And you did it.

You are doing it!

So, whenever you lack the motivation to keep moving forward, remember. If getting healthy and fit was that easy everyone would do it. If reaching a goal was so simple, it wouldn’t feel that wonderful and exciting when you got there.

If you are really up for this, if this is really your dream, don’t give up. Keep working on yourself, be very patient and persistent and beautiful things will follow. I promise.

Good things in life don’t come so easy. If you want something, you need to work hard for it. But, physical strength is not enough. Mental toughness is half the battle. You need to keep pushing forward and you need to remind yourself that if you managed to achieve this, you can do so much more.

The struggle will be hard, but your weight is just a number. Don’t forget that. Focus on what you see in the mirror and not what you see in your weighing scale.

So, here’s to you! To the girl who is trying her best to get healthy again. Shout out to your persistence and your relentless determination to work on your body and make the change.

I am proud of you.

It will take time, but I promise you. Once you get there, you’ll be amazed at how incredible and strong your body and willpower can be!

Stephanie Reeds