Home Stories Your Wounds Aren’t Your Fault, But Healing Them Is Your Responsibility

Your Wounds Aren’t Your Fault, But Healing Them Is Your Responsibility


What you have gone through is not your fault. You didn’t deserve the pain you’ve experienced.

You were just a victim of someone else’s anger and insensitivity. You were just an innocent, pure soul whose heart and hope were shattered by people who neither cared about you nor loved you the way you deserve.

The truth is that we all go through various kinds of disappointment and pain throughout our lives. We all experience heartbreaks. We all sometimes feel like our life is falling apart.

Many a time we forget that every difficult, painful experience we’ve had in life isn’t our fault. But, one thing that we must never forget is that our healing is solely our responsibility.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds because you’re the only one who has the right and power to do that.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds because if you don’t do this, you’ll never be able to fulfill your true potential and live a truly happy and meaningful life.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds since unprocessed emotional pain gets transferred to those you love, and you must never allow those you hold dear to experience the pain you’ve experienced.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds since you only have this one life. And it’s your responsibility to make it worthwhile.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds because no one else can do that for you. No one else can make the pain someone has  inflicted on you disappear.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds because unhealed wounds prevent you from achieving genuine happiness and getting where you want to be in life. They prevent you from building healthy, strong, happy, and long-standing relationships, both romantic and otherwise. They prevent you from living your life the way you want to live it. They prevent you from becoming a better version of yourself.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds because unhealed wounds only make you more bitter. More disappointed. More dependent on your pain.

It’s your responsibility to heal your wounds since healing yourself isn’t returning to the person you were before. It’s actually becoming someone that you’ve never been. Someone wiser, tougher, braver.

When you heal, you become the person you’ve always wanted to be.  You’re able to pursue your goals more freely. You’re able to devote more time to those you hold dear. You’re able to nourish your relationships, both romantic and otherwise. You’re able to deal with whatever life throws your way since you believe in yourself and in your strength.

When you heal, you’re more willing to step out of your comfort zone. You’re more willing to take risks and conquer whatever difficulty and pain life sends your way.

What you should always remember is that you aren’t meant to get through life unscarred and unhurt. You aren’t meant to achieve happiness without getting your heart bruised. You aren’t meant to reach new heights without experiencing failure.

Because that’s how life works. Life can hurt us all in various ways, but it’s the way we respond to the pain life inflicts on us that determines whether that pain will become a tragedy or the beginning of a story of a victim that turns into a hero.

Riley Cooper