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When You Truly Love Someone, You Don’t Try To Take Away Their Freedom

When You Truly Love Someone, You Don’t Try To Take Away Their Freedom

When you’re genuinely in love with someone, you don’t try to affect their decisions. Instead, you let them make their own decisions and choices.

When you’re truly in love with someone, you don’t become suspicious of them of their intentions whenever they go out to hang around with their friends since you know that they aren’t trying to hide anything from you. You know that they don’t have a secret agenda and that they’d never do anything that could hurt your feelings and break your trust in them.

When you truly love someone, you don’t think that they’re going to cheat on you every time they leave the house without you.

When you’re honestly and wholeheartedly in love with someone, you don’t try to change them. Instead, you accept and love them for who they are. You embrace their annoying habits, their quirks, their whims, their insecurities, their fears, and their craziness. Because you know that their weaknesses and imperfections don’t define them.

When you honestly love someone, you don’t try to control every aspect of their life. You don’t try to control their thoughts, their feelings, their actions. You don’t expect them to constantly inform you about their whereabouts.

You don’t try to manipulate them into cancelling plans with their friends so that you can spend 24/7 with them. You don’t try to curtail their freedom so as to make yourself feel more content and comfortable.

When you’re genuinely in love with someone, you don’t expect them to devote every second of their attention to you. You don’t treat them like you own them.

When you’re truly and selflessly in love with someone, you don’t expect them to give up their freedom. Instead, you let them be themselves around you. You let them live their life in accordance with their own beliefs, values, and principles. Because you know that true love equals freedom.

Riley Cooper