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When You Are Raised By A Strong Mother, You Grow Up To Be A Tough Woman


When you are raised by a loving and strong mother, you realize that you are the only one responsible for your happiness. You realize that your relationship status, your friendships, or your career can’t shape your happiness.

When you are raised by a strong mother, you realize that life is what you make it. You realize that the only person who has the right and power to direct your life is you. You realize that no one and nothing can define your worth.

When you are raised by a strong mother, you learn how to stand up for yourself when someone is trying to criticize you. You learn how to speak your mind in different social situations. You learn to protect your boundaries and you never let anyone overstep them. You learn to rely on your inner strength and how to survive by yourself.

When you are raised by a loving mother, you learn how to respect yourself. You learn to treat yourself with patience, kindness, and compassion. You learn to treat yourself with dignity. You don’t let anyone judge you or make fun of you. You don’t let anyone make you feel weak or unimportant. You learn to practice self-care and self-love.

A Strong Mother

When you are raised by a loving mother, you learn what true love feels like. You learn about the importance of self-sacrifice, patience, and commitment. You learn how to build healthy, meaningful, and loving relationships. You learn how to distinguish between genuine and kind-hearted people and fake, selfish, and manipulative ones.

When you are raised by a loving and strong mother, you learn that crying is not a sign of weakness. You learn that even the strongest people feel down in the dumps sometimes. You learn that even the most courageous people feel afraid sometimes.

When you are raised by a loving and strong mother, you always believe in yourself. You never give up on your dreams. You work hard to achieve your goals. And when you fail to achieve a goal, you try even harder because you don’t accept failure.

When you are raised by a strong mother, you realize that you are never alone. Because you have someone who is always there to help you and comfort you through your worst days. Someone that is always there to help you get up when life knocks you down. Someone you can call and talk to at any time of the day or night.

You have someone who sticks with you through thick and thin. Someone who believes that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  Someone who loves you selflessly and unconditionally.

When you are raised by a loving and strong mother, you have someone who is your role model. Your inspiration. Your best friend. Your guiding light. Your safe haven. Your hope. Your strength.

When you are raised by a loving and strong mother, you grow up to be a kind-hearted and tough woman.

Riley Cooper