Home Stories The Word You See First Reveals Your Personality

The Word You See First Reveals Your Personality


The first word that comes to your mind when you see the picture says a lot about your subconscious personality.

 So, what word did you think of first?


If you saw the word lover first, you are very fiery and lively! You make people happy. You are also very passionate and mysterious person which makes others wonder about you and want to be around you.

Your nature is very fun and exciting. You are never boring and definitely not predictable.


This word means that your personality is dominant and independent. You are also a very brave individual who always takes chances and lives your life to the fullest.

People feel like they can count on you. They consider you to be really reliable and they feel you can make all their fears go away.


Those of you who first saw this word, are very sincere and honest. People always know where they stand with you. You always tell like it is, you don’t sugarcoat anything even if that means that you may be hurting someone’s feelings.

Deceptions, manipulations, and lies are the things that you detest the most and that’s why you are choosing to always tell the truth. This gives people a sense of trust and security when they are around you.

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Mary Wright