Home Love & Relationships If You Are Cheating On Your Partner, Then No – You Don’t...

If You Are Cheating On Your Partner, Then No – You Don’t Love Them


When you really love your partner, you don’t hide your cell phone from them. You don’t delete calls and text messages. You don’t sneak in the middle of the night to take a phone call. You don’t lie to your partner and hide contacts using fake names.

When you really love your partner, you don’t install Tinder or any other dating app so that you can see what’s out there. When you are in a committed relationship with someone you can’t just explore your options and hope that you’ll find someone better. If you are feeling that way, please do yourself and your partner a favor and leave them alone.

When you are in a relationship with someone, you can’t behave like you are single. You can’t just flirt with other people thinking that it’s harmless because it’s not. You will hurt your partner. The one who really love you and care about you.

If you really love your partner, you won’t get drunk and lose all control. You won’t give your number away to other people who clearly are attracted to you.

Because if you really love your partner, you won’t lead other people on by lying that you are not in a relationship. And you certainly won’t let a few drinks be an excuse for you to cheat on your partner.

When you are really in love with someone, you don’t text your exes to see how they are doing. When you love someone, you don’t have a backup plan. You are all in.

When you really love someone, you don’t make them feel like they could be replaced. You don’t make them feel like they are one of your options and that they should feel lucky that you’ve chosen them. You don’t do that.

When you love your partner, you don’t storm off and run off to someone else whenever you and your partner have an argument. You don’t jump to bed with someone else because you are angry at them.

During those moments, you should stay with them. You should fight for your relationship. You should not let go.  

Because when you love your partner, you don’t cheat on them – physically or emotionally. You don’t abandon them. You don’t take them for granted. You don’t lie to them. You don’t hurt them. You wouldn’t risk your relationship for anything in the world.

Instead, you love them with all your heart. You respect them. You make them happy.

You never ever cheat on them and screw them over.

Mary Wright