Home Stories I Thank God For The Hard Times Because They’ve Made Me Stronger

I Thank God For The Hard Times Because They’ve Made Me Stronger

I Thank God For The Hard Times Because They’ve Made Me Stronger

Dear God, I have gone through many difficult periods in my life. I’ve struggled, cried, screamed, whined, and asked you why it is all happening to me.

But these days I’ve been thinking about all the things that happened and I realized – I am at peace with everything. Because now I know that bad times are necessary just like good times are to appreciate our life.

God, thank you for the hard times because now I know that they’ve made me stronger.

I admit that it was difficult for me to look outside of myself and be grateful for everything I have because I was focused on the things I lack. And that is not the path we should follow. Now I know that the only path to healing and love is by being thankful and appreciative of everything we are, everything we have, and for the chance to be alive here and now.

I Thank God For The Hard Times Because They’ve Made Me Stronger

God, you taught me to be grateful. You made me see the beautiful things in this world that I wasn’t seeing by putting me through hard times and making me come back stronger. Thank you for that.

Because during hard times, I learned to appreciate my life. I learned what matters the most in life. Hard times made me wiser, stronger, and more resilient. They forced me to change my life by getting me out of the rut I was stuck for years.

Dear God, thank you. Thank you for the hard times. Thank you for all the struggles. Thank you for the pain. If it wasn’t for these experiences, I’d never become the person I am today.

Thank you for shaping me into the strong person I am. Thank you for making me grow. Thank you for all the lessons you taught me during the difficult times. Thank you because I survived. Now, stronger than ever.

Dear God, thank you for making me understand that nothing builds resilience more than surviving a crisis. Nothing makes me appreciate being alive than having to fight for my life.

Thank you for always being there for me and showing me the way.

Mary Wright