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Guy Builds Wood Giants And Hides Them In The Woods For People To Find


Would you be interested in finding giants made from wood by following treasure maps and poems? It sounds thrilling, right? Now, you can participate in such search thanks to one guy who decided to create a fun experience using recycled materials.

Thomas Dambo is a Danish artist who has built 25 wood sculptures from recycled materials over the last 3 years. And recently, he has made 6 more and hid them around his hometown of Copenhagen.  

He has hidden the sculptures around his favorite places around the city. Some of the places are desolated and off the track, so most people do not even know about them.

These sculptures can only be found by following his carefully drawn treasure maps and composed poems that he engraved on trees near the sculpture. They contain the hidden information about the location of those wood giants. 

The sculptures are all made from recycled wood materials. He has built the sculptures with the help of local volunteers and has named each sculpture after the name of the volunteer who has helped him in making it.

Thomas hopes that his art will inspire people to take better care of the planet by starting to recycle.

Happy hunting!

Mary Wright


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