Even the strongest person can get exhausted. Even The Strongest Get Tired!
Even the bravest and the most resilient ones can get tired of taking care of themselves and of everyone else. Even they can get tired of the independent life they are choosing to live, of all the bills they need to pay, of all the work they need to do.
They get tired of having everyone count on them while not having anyone they can count on. They can’t even say they can’t do something because it seems like the whole world expects them to do it. Others expect them to always be okay and don’t even think that they may have problems on their own that they need help solving. (1)
Even the strongest person needs love and affection.
No one likes to feel lonely. No one likes to be rejected. Sometimes, strong people don’t like to be heroes. Sometimes even they need someone to “rescue” them and be there for them. They also need someone who they can call a best friend or a partner; someone who will teach them all the amazing things that have a loyal person can do for them.
Because sometimes, even the strongest person out there breaks down.
And usually, it is when they have had enough of everyone and everything. When they have been strong for too long and they have forgotten about themselves. When they can’t pull themselves out of bed because their body, heart, and soul are heavy. When everything they have built is falling apart and there is no one around to help them.
Even the strongest person needs a break.
They need someone else to be in charge. They need to slow down and recharge their batteries, otherwise, they will exhaust and hurt themselves. They need to be vulnerable for a change and let other people do things for them. Because they don’t have super-powers. They are human as well and they need to feel like it.
After all, even the strongest person gets tired of being strong because they have not been born with their strength. They have learned how to be strong on their own, having faced many challenges and difficulties when no one was there to give them a hand.
Even they miss who they used to be before people and circumstances taught them who they should be – that they need to be strong and independent because people always leave and they cannot count on them for help.