Home Stories Can You Have It All? YES! Of Course, You Can!

Can You Have It All? YES! Of Course, You Can!


I have heard many people ask, “Can you really have it all?” and then someone will always respond with the same old line “Yes, you can have it all, but not at the same time.”

Bullshit. I am here to tell you that you can have it all! And at the same time!

How? Well, it all depends on what your all is.

For some, having it all means having a successful career, a happy marriage, and many kids. For others, having it all means being completely feel and unattached, being able to travel around the world and learn new amazing things.

Regardless of what your all represents, you can only achieve it if you have an optimistic, realistic, and grounded approach towards it. You must first get clear of what it is that you want from the bottom of your heart, and then get strategic and creative to get it.

You can be whoever you want to be as long as you live with integrity. Integrity is a very important concept and it means that our idea of ‘having it all’ or ‘being whole’ is deeply rooted in our consistency of character – whether we live according to our principles, values, and beliefs.

When you clearly decide what it is that you want, and you’ll do it in a grounded, realistic, and optimistic manner – undoubtedly, you can have it!

That’s the ultimate key to having it all.

Then, you must implement the right strategies and take the leap of faith and go for it!

It will cost you friends.

It will cost you sleep.

It will cost you effort.

You will need to put your whole heart into it.

But you will make it.

You can have it all.

Mary Wright