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Being Single Is Better Than Being With A Person That Doesn’t Deserve You


Being single is better than being with someone that makes you feel drained, confused, and sad. Someone who makes you doubt their love and wonder where your relationship is headed. Someone who doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Someone who doesn’t give you their undivided attention. Someone who doesn’t fight for your happiness. Someone who doesn’t make you feel loved and fulfilled.

If you happen to be in a relationship with someone who treats you in the five ways explained below, then you might want to consider whether you still want to stay in the relationship. Because you don’t deserve to be treated like a second choice. You don’t deserve to be strung along.

Instead, you deserve to feel happy, cherished, and fulfilled in your romantic relationship. You deserve to be with someone who will treat you and love you the way you deserve.

If your partner treats you in these 5 ways, then this is a sure sign that they don’t deserve you and that you should put an end to the relationship:

1. They don’t accept you for who you are.

Loving someone truly means accepting them with all of their quirks, annoying habits, insecurities, and fears. It means understanding that their weaknesses and imperfections don’t define who they are. It means understanding that their flaws can’t take their inner beauty and worth away.

So, if your partner is constantly criticizing you for your weaknesses and if they often make you feel weak and unimportant, chances are you’re in a relationship with the wrong person.

2. They make you doubt your worth.

When you’re honestly and wholeheartedly in love with someone, you make sure they’re always aware of their worth. You make sure that they’re always aware of their qualities and mental strength and that they know they can achieve anything they set their mind to.

So, if you’re in a relationship with someone who rarely has to say something nice about you and compliment you on your looks, talents, successes, or the things you are doing, this is a sign that they’re not aware of your worth and that they couldn’t care less about you.

3. They treat you like a second option.

When you’re genuinely in love with someone, you make sure they know they’re at the top of your priority list. You give them your full, undivided attention. You enjoy spending time with them. You’re always there for them and you make sure they know they mean the world to you.

So, if you can notice that your partner chooses your company only if they don’t have other options, or if they make you feel like you constantly have to fight for a place in their life, then this is a clear sign that they treat you like a second choice.

Being Alone Is Better Than Being With Someone Who Doesn't Deserve You

4. They drain your energy.

When you’re in a relationship with the right person, you should never feel emotionally or mentally exhausted. You should never feel drained. You should never feel stressed out or overwhelmed in their presence.

So, if your partner is constantly sucking all the energy and happiness out of you, then this could be a sign that it’s time for you to consider the idea of rolling solo for a while.

5. They make you question their feelings for you.

When you’re truly in love with someone, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You express your feelings openly and proudly. You give them your heart selflessly and you bare your soul in front of them.

So, if you’re in a relationship with someone who makes you doubt their love, and if you can often find yourself wondering whether you’d be better off single than being in a relationship with them, this is a clear sign that you’re with someone who neither deserves your love nor you.

Riley Cooper