Home Love & Relationships Dear Mom, Thank You For Always Being There For Me

Dear Mom, Thank You For Always Being There For Me

Dear Mom, Thank You For Always Being There For Me

This goes to you – the most amazing woman in the world. The woman who occupies a truly special place in my heart. The woman who has the purest soul and the softest heart. The woman whose warm smile lights up my life. The woman whose kindness and compassion have no boundaries. The woman whose love for me is genuine, selfless, and unconditional.  The woman who will love me eternally.

I know that as a daughter I am supposed to express my gratitude to you for everything you’ve been doing for me and remind you how valuable you are to me, but sometimes life gets in the way and makes me forget to do this.

There are countless things I’m grateful to you for, and here are some of them:

1.  Thank you for being my mom. I couldn’t have asked for a better one.

2. Thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to about my problems. When I need someone to give me a wise piece of advice. Or when I need someone just to listen to me.

3. Thank you for taking care of me when I’m down in the dumps and watching my back all of the time.

4. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to set and pursue high goals.

5. Thank you for inspiring me to chase my dreams, too.

6. Thank you for being patient with me when I am having trouble dealing with a problem and when I am angry.

7. Thank you for teaching me the real values in life.

8. Thank you for never breaking my trust in you.

9. Thank you for always being honest with me. Thank you for telling me the truth even when I don’t want to hear it.

10. Thank you for being my best friend. My crying shoulder. My greatest help and support. My comfort. My guiding light. My guardian angel. My safe haven.

Dear Mom, Thank You For Always Being There For Me

11. Thank you for always reminding me of my worth when I’m feeling unimportant.

12. Thank you for always reminding me of my strength when I’m feeling weak and fragile.

13. Thank you for always being strong for me, too.

14. Thank you for being the reason I believe there are still good and genuine people out there.

15. Thank you for teaching me how to take good care of myself.

16. Thank you for never criticizing me for my insecurities and fears. Thank you for accepting me and cherishing me for who I am.

17. Thank you for being the reason I accept and love myself the way I am.

18. Thank you for always standing up for me. Thank you for always trying to protect me from every pain and evil in the world. Thank you for teaching me to stand up for myself.

19. Thank you for picking up the phone at any time of the day. Thank you for letting me know I can always count on you for help and support.

20. Thank you for making sure I always remember that I am never alone.

21. Thank you for all the small things you do for me, such as texting me to ask how I am and what I’m doing and making my favorite cakes and cookies.

22. Thank you for cheering me up when I’m down in the dumps.

23. Thank you for teaching me to accept my past and forgive myself for my mistakes.

24. Thank you for forgiving me even when I don’t deserve it.

25. Thank you for sacrificing yourself for me.

26. Thank you for loving me honestly, deeply, selflessly, unconditionally, and wholeheartedly. Thank you for loving me truly.

27. Thank you for giving me all of your time and love.

28. Thank you for always being that one person I can completely rely on, no matter what.

29. Thank you for being such an inspiring person in my life.

30. Thank you for always being there for me. 

Riley Cooper