I hear it regularly – women are crappy drivers. Indeed, women being awful drivers is a stereotype that has been perpetuated in modern culture for a very long time. There are many out there who claim that women are the inferior sex behind the wheel, which is why Insurethebox decided to collect data to find which of the two sexes is more competent on the road.
On March 8, the pay-as-you-go insurance provider examined 4.5 billion miles of driving data so as to conclude which sex is the safer driver. And yes, you guessed it. The data showed that females are safer drivers.
The statistics collected between January 2017 and December 2018 indicated that male drivers are 46% more likely to speed than female drivers.
The data also showed that younger drivers aged between 17 and 25 commit the most offenses, with young male drivers speeding 55% more than their young female counterparts.
And when it comes to the youngest drivers, the difference is even greater. The data revealed that boys at the age of 17 speed 76% more than girls of the same age.
Naomi Little, the General Manager Communications of Insurethebox, said: “Insurethebox data shows that drivers who speed 20% of the time increase their risk of having an accident by 87%. This is partly because when driving at excessive speeds drivers have less time to react to any unexpected hazards. No matter who’s driving, drivers need to give themselves the time to make every journey a safe one.”
Additionally, the data revealed that women are safer and more careful drivers when it comes to driving at night. Young male drivers drive 28% more than female drivers between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m. – a period during which almost a quarter of car accidents occur.
So, because women are less likely to be involved in a car accident and because they are more cautious on the road than their male counterparts, they pay less money for their car insurance.
So, gentlemen, like it or lump it, ladies are more competent behind the wheel than you!