Home Romance 8 Things You Should Remember Whenever You Feel Broken Inside

8 Things You Should Remember Whenever You Feel Broken Inside

broken inside

Life is a series of ups and downs. And when you’ve been down for so long and you are slowly falling into the dark abyss of despair, sadness, and hopelessness, please remember this:

1. Remember that your cracks will allow light to come in.

If your heart doesn’t break from time to time, then there wouldn’t be a place for the light to enter your life. Sometimes, all it takes is a painful, heart-crushing experience to remind up that we are alive. You must get broken first to be able to see and appreciate all the goodness in the world and transform yourself into a better and stronger human being. It’s not easy, and it wasn’t supposed to be easy. But you will make it and then a new door of opportunities will open for you.

2. Remember to embrace your feelings instead of fighting them.

Instead of fighting your bad emotions, try embracing them. They are what make you human. Crying, screaming, falling down to your knees in despair are all strong emotions and it is better to let them out instead of bottling them because eventually, someday they will backfire on you. Feel everything. Feel your emotions. Don’t run from them. Emotions are a vital part of the healing process and life in general.

3. Remember your “WHY”.

Whenever you feel insufficient, broken, let down, exhausted… keep remembering yourself and your purpose in life. Remind yourself about your goals and dreams. Always keep your “why” in mind and remember, every negative situation will only provide you with new perspectives and opportunities. Negative experiences are also valuable experiences, sometimes more valuable than positive ones if you are willing to learn from them.

4. Remember that your friends and family are there for you.

When you feel down and broken inside, please remember that you can always count on your family and friends for support. They will comfort you when you need them and help you find your strength again.  

5. Remember that you are not your feelings.

Remember that you don’t own your feelings and your feelings don’t own you. They don’t define you. They are only temporary, and they will pass. Happiness, sadness, excitement, pain… it all passes eventually. You are so much more than your feelings, remember that.

6. Remember the things that exist beyond your brokenness.

Just because you are in pain, it doesn’t mean that all the good things in the world ceased to exist. Remember that no matter how much darkness you are experiencing now, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Many beautiful and good things are waiting for you around the corner. Just be patient.

7. Remember the things that make you happy and focus on them.

Often, when you feel broken inside, you focus your attention only on the things that bring you pain and despair and you forget to remember all the things that make you happy. You forget the beauty of going for a walk, chatting with your friends, enjoying your cup of coffee, riding your bike, reading a book… anything that makes your soul sing with joy. Try to heal your heart by enjoying the littlest things in life.

8. Remember that pain is temporary.

Everything passes. Everything is temporary. Pain as well. Therefore, don’t take it too seriously. Try to see your pain as heroic. See it as something that has taught you many life lessons and shaped you in the person you are today.

Mary Wright