Home Stories 8 Personal Things You Should Learn To Keep Quiet About

8 Personal Things You Should Learn To Keep Quiet About


Chanakya once said “The biggest guru-mantra is: never share your secrets with anybody. It will destroy you.” Although being an open person is a good trait to have to a certain extent, it’s far better to keep quiet about some aspects of your life.

Many of us are in a habit of sharing everything with others, but knowing what to keep secret is hugely important. These are 7 personal things you should learn to keep quiet about.

1. Problems in Your Family

Family matters should always stay private. You don’t need to open up the doors and let people into the most intimate parts of your personal life. If you’re having some issues with members of your family, try to sort it out with them. Doing so is much better than complaining about it to a third party.

2. Your Goals

Having dreams is vital. It helps to motivate you and give you something to look forward to every single day. Although you may be excited about your goals, you should probably keep them to yourself. That way, if you succeed, people will be pleasantly surprised, but if you fail, no one will need to know.

3. Who You Like and Dislike

No one likes everyone, but that doesn’t mean that you should go around bad-mouthing the people that you don’t like. Even saying that you dislike them without telling why can be enough to make you some enemies. As well as that, never go spreading gossip about other people, it’s just a nasty thing to do.

4. Financial Status and Salary

Sadly, money is a touchy subject for a lot of people. Some people are going to hate you if you make too much money and others will look down on you if you don’t make enough. Therefore, it’s far better to keep that kind of information to yourself.

5. Your Biggest Fears

Sharing your fears with the people in your innermost circle is fine, but it’s not a great idea to tell anyone else. Unfortunately, the world is full of terrible people who may try to use this information against you. If they find any weakness in you, they could try to exploit it.

6. Issues in Your Relationship

So, you had a fight with your significant other and you want to complain to someone about it. That’s all well and good, except for the fact that the person you tell will inevitably form a negative opinion of your partner. Now, when you and the person you love are happy again, that other person is still going to see them as a bad choice for you.

7. Medical History

There’s a reason that your medical records are strictly confidential, they are for your eyes only. No one else needs to, or should, know about your medical history. Of course, there are some exceptions to this, but in most cases it’s simply best to keep quiet.

8. Your Good Deeds

The world needs as many good deeds as it can get right now, so don’t shy away from them. With that being said, is it really a selfless act if you feel the need to tell people about it? Unfortunately, telling someone about the amazing things that you’ve done for others may make them think that you’re just bragging. Because of that, it’s far more heroic if you go about your good deeds in private.

It may be tempting to share your personal affairs with people, but it’s far better for you if you don’t. Keep what’s private, private, and only let the most important people in your life see those things. Some secrets are there to protect you and give you a more peaceful life.

Share this article with your friends and family to show them the power of keeping quiet.

Eva Jackson