Home Psychology 7 Caution Signs That Show A Person Is Experiencing Hidden Depression

7 Caution Signs That Show A Person Is Experiencing Hidden Depression


Mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety disorder are certainly among the most discussed topics nowadays, since they’ve taken over a lot of individuals.

The World Health Organization reports that approximately 350 million people struggle with depression in the whole wide world, and that number goes even higher by the day.

Depression is not something that you can resolve with a simple “Oh, you’re fine” and it’s definitely not a health issue on which you could put some Band-aid and call it a day.

It is a serious mental illness that requires a deep commitment, years of soul-searching and the help of others. It is a tornado of unexpected and perplexing emotions that tend to shatter a person’s soul if it’s not prevented in time.

Because of the severity and intricacy of this mind state, these people face constant shame and judgment from society.

Out of embarrassment and the fear of being misunderstood, they choose to isolate inside their shells rather than seeking help, which can eventually lead to deeper depression, self-harm or in the worst-case scenario, suicide.

Here are 7 early signs that someone suffers from depression but might be too afraid to ask for help:


One of the consequences depression leaves us with is maintaining a destructive daily routine. Due to the constant soul ache, the feeling of despair and hopelessness all mixed with unregular sleep patterns, eating disorders and stress, there’s not enough energy left for a more productive activity. The body literally becomes a prisoner of the mind.


Another important sign that a person is dealing with depression is the lack of interest and satisfaction to engage in the things they once loved. When a person experiences these troubles, their brain strongly focuses simply on the state, rather than handle all the other aspects of life.

This leads to having zero motivation to start the day and disengagement from all the activities. If you notice that your loved one is starting to miss out on life, that is definitely a sign of hidden depression.


Loss of appetite is just another serious sign a person is not feeling well. Individuals who struggle with depression tend to either have an increased need for eating or not having any need at all, which results in starving.

Gary Kennedy, MD, director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, says, “A sudden change in weight, either gaining or losing, can be a warning of depression, especially in someone who has other symptoms of depression or a history of depression.”


Having a sleepless night every now and then doesn’t necessarily point to depression, but if you experience strong thoughts that are stopping you from falling asleep on most nights, the issue might be a hidden depression, after all.

According to WebMD, 80% of adults with depression have a troubled sleeping pattern.


For some of these people, the easiest way to break out of their mind prison is taking the wrong turn and indulging in all kinds of illicit and harmful substances.

The power to escape that disastrous state of mind even for an hour is the thing that makes these vices so tempting to them.

Their behavior can eventually lead to a serious addiction to alcohol or drugs, which if it’s not treated immediately can only escalate into a severe substance abuse issue.


Oftentimes, people dealing with depressive thoughts are scared to share their madness inside their head with others because they fear rejection.

As a result, instead of asking for a helping hand, these people seclude from the outer world and cover their true feelings.

They mask the whole condition and fake happiness only to avoid the potential judgment. It is essential for people to raise higher awareness of the severity of their troubled mind and be there for them at any given moment. The only thing a depressive person need is a compassion and understanding.


One of the many symptoms is over-exhausting and channeling all their leftover energy on a task just so they can escape their minds if only for a certain period of time. They need some kind of a vent pipe in order to distract themselves from the reality.

And usually, that results in concentrating solely on their work and draining their energy just, so they would avoid encountering those scary thoughts that often.

If you or anyone you know experience these telltale signs, don’t be afraid. Pick up what’s left of you and search for help. Remember: Reaching out to find guidance doesn’t make you weaker, it means you still have the strength to fight this destructive state of mind and take care of yourself.

Stephanie Reeds


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