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4 Reasons Why The Physical Touch Of Others Is So Crucial For Everyone


“The human touch is that little snippet of physical affection that brings a bit of comfort, support, and kindness. It doesn’t take much from the one who gives it but can make a huge difference in the one who receives it.”

– Mya Robarts

We’re in the midst of a social age. With the rise of social media across the globe, it seems like we’re more connected than ever to each other. However, if we can so easily pick up our phones and interact with someone from anywhere in the world, why does it feel like we’re more isolated than we’ve ever been?

Although we can easily create social media accounts, like our friend’s posts, and leave comments on our family’s photos, that doesn’t mean that we’re really bonding with others. In reality, we’re distancing ourselves from them and cutting off any real human connection. It’s all because we’ve forgotten about what’s truly important. We’ve forgotten these 4 reasons why the physical touch of others is so crucial for everyone.

1. It Makes Us Feel Connected To Others

Humans are naturally social. Without feeling a connection to the other people around us, we can easily become depressed or feel down. Through physical touch, we strengthen the bond between us and another person. That not only helps give us that sense of social belonging, but also strengthens the bonds between us and others.

2. It’s Wonderfully Comforting

When we’re feeling low, one of the first things that a lot of us want is a hug from someone we love to make us feel better. What’s more relaxing than being cuddled up to someone that you care about with your arms around one another? Being physically close to someone else can make us feel more at peace, as well as making us feel safe.

3. It’s Vital For Our Wellbeing

Being close to someone helps us to better understand them and feel like they understand us better too. Because of that, it can greatly increase your emotional wellbeing and feelings of inclusion. As well as that, human touch makes us feel generally happier and more optimistic. Experts have even suggested that it can lower blood pressure too.

4. It Feels Healing

“Nothing eases suffering like human touch.”

– Bobby Fischer

When we’re stressed or feeling extremely hurt, it can feel like there’s nothing that can help. However desperate we may feel though, having a physical connection with another person can make us feel a thousand times better. It heals our emotional scars and gives us something so much more positive to replace our negative emotions with.

Never forget the importance of physical touch. Yes, it’s all well and good to interact with people from afar but take the opportunity to be close to someone if you can. Call your best friend and snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie together. You can even go see a family member just to give them a hug. See the people that you love and remember the importance that human touch really has.

Share this article with your friends and family to remind them how important human touch is.

Eva Jackson