Home Love & Relationships You Find Peace When You Let Go Of Toxic Relationships

You Find Peace When You Let Go Of Toxic Relationships

Vibrational Relationships

You find peace when you let go of relationships that don’t inspire you to want to be a more loving and better person.

You find peace when you break off relationships that don’t inspire you to want to work on yourself so as to overcome your insecurities and fears and get where you want to be in life. Relationships that teach you that being selfish, disloyal, and deceitful is fine. 

You find peace when you let go of people that make you feel ashamed of yourself for sharing your insecurities and fears with others.

You find peace when you let go of people that make you feel ashamed for letting others look inside your soul and see who you really are. For letting others see that you’re just a normal human being who is allowed to have weaknesses and flaws and who is allowed to make mistakes and fail. For letting others see the other side of you. The flawed one. The imperfect one.

You find peace when you let go of people who don’t accept you for who you are.  People who don’t allow you to be yourself around them. People who expect you and want you to change. People who don’t encourage you to become the best version of yourself.

You find peace when you let go of people who make you doubt your worth. People who can’t see your qualities and strength. People who can’t see your potential. People who make you think that you’re weak and worthless.  

You find peace when you let go of people that make you doubt the importance of true love and commitment. People who think that there’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of others. People who teach you that your feelings, needs, opinions, wishes, and problems are more important than those of others.

You find peace when you let go of people that can’t handle the intensity of your love. People who think that you love too much or too hard. People that make you feel sorry for selflessly giving your heart to others. People who don’t love you the way you deserve to be loved.

You find peace when you let go of people who don’t deserve you. People who don’t deserve your kindness, your compassion, your patience, your generosity, your trust, your respect. People who answer your calls only when they need you to do them a “little” favor. People who are good to you only when they want something from you.

You find peace when you choose to invest in yourself rather than in relationships that stand in your way of happiness and success. Relationships that make you feel lonely. Relationships that don’t inspire you to become stronger and better. Relationships that drain your energy and suck the life out of you.

Riley Cooper