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The Right Person Will Enter Your Life Unexpectedly, When You’re Not Even Looking For Them

The Right Person Will Enter Your Life Unexpectedly, When You’re Not Even Looking For Them

The right person will enter your life unexpectedly – when you are not even looking for them.

They will enter your life at the perfect time. When you can function perfectly well without them. When you have let go of control issues. When you are confident in yourself. When you don’t need anyone to make you happy because you are happy as you are right now.

The right person will enter your life when you need to learn something. When you feel too comfortable or stuck in the ordinary life, the Universe will send them to you to force you to change your life. They will be your guiding light on the path towards the new life that you are about to build for yourself. 

The right person will enter your life when you are done with shedding all the layers that are not your true self – when you cut off from your life everything and everyone that is not good for you. When you remove all the toxicity that is around you and you are finally free and at peace with yourself. 

The right person will enter your life when you just let things be. When you don’t push them but allow everything to unfold and evolve organically. 

The right person will enter your life when you take good care of yourself. When you don’t allow anything or anyone to disturb your peace and affect your soul.

The right person will enter your life when you are ready for them. When you’ve done your inner work and healing. When you have manifested them into your life with your positive energy, calmness, patience, and optimism. When your heart is pure and free of anxiety and worries. 

The right person will enter your life when you deserve them; when you are worthy of that kind of soul connection and divine love.

The right person will enter your life when you’ve made peace with yourself and the choices you’ve made. When you have forgiven yourself for every mistake, and you’ve forgiven others as well. When you are free from grudges and resentment. When your soul is calm.

When you’ve learned how to love yourself so that you can love others.

The right person will enter your life when you are no longer the person you used to be.

They will come into your life when you are both ready for each other. And everything will be beautiful.

That’s the magic of the Universe. Have faith in it. 

Mary Wright