Home Health The Reason Why Most Empaths Suffer From Adrenal Fatigue And Constant Exhaustion

The Reason Why Most Empaths Suffer From Adrenal Fatigue And Constant Exhaustion

Empaths Suffer From Adrenal Fatigue And Constant Exhaustion

We all know what it’s like to be completely drained or fatigued after a jam-packed day full of activities and responsibilities. Getting up at 8 am in the morning, riding your bike to work, working a full-time job, socializing with colleagues and customers, then riding back home to a pile of dirty dishes and many other household chores can be truly exhausting.

However, many of us don’t realize that sometimes mental and emotional exhaustion can be even harder to deal with. That is the reason why people with highly sensitive nature and empath personalities often suffer from adrenal fatigue and exhaustion.

For those of you who may not know, a person with an empath personality is someone who is extremely sensitive to people’s energies and emotions. Empaths have the power to absorb anything that others are dealing with, and because of that, they are known as healers. Experiencing sensory overload on a daily basis is the main reason why most empaths are introverted.

Judith Orloff, MD, the author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People and also the member of the UCLA psychiatric clinical faculty is an expert in her field. In her book, she explains how being an empath is both a blessing and a curse.

The Reason Why Most Empaths Suffer From Adrenal Fatigue And Constant Exhaustion

According to her, empaths have the power to find deep compassion for others. But at the same time, all of those emotions and energies that they pick up on can have a really bad influence on their overall wellbeing. If physical stress drains the body then mental stress drains both the body and mind. That is exactly what most empaths go through on a daily basis.

If you are someone who can relate to this, here are a few effective steps that will definitely help you clear your thoughts and minimize exhaustion throughout the day:

1. Make those boundaries. Listen to what your body is telling you. Don’t be afraid to say NO, if you feel like it. Make this word your weapon and learn how to use it when you need to protect yourself from greedy, energy-sucking vampires.  Protecting your personal space and taking care of your wellbeing should be on top of your priorities.

2. Take time for meditation. Stop with what you are doing and try to calm yourself. If you are someone who has a busy schedule, do your best to take a few minutes out of your day to reflect on yourself and just breathe. Start meditating and see how your body and mind slowly calm in the process. But don’t just do it when you feel stressed. Make it a habit. Take a few hours out of your day and spend it on meditating.

3. Focus on self-care. Having an empath personality in a cruel world like ours is a real challenge and sometimes a curse. To be honest, realizing that you are the only person responsible for taking care of yourself makes it even scarier. But it is important to understand that if we don’t help ourselves, no one else will. You choose how you do it. The only thing that matters the most is your wellbeing. Meditation, personal boundaries, imaginary shield and an active work on yourself will definitely help you keep the exhaustion and fatigue at bay.  

Stephanie Reeds