Home Love & Relationships The Best Way To Find A Real Friend Is To Be One

The Best Way To Find A Real Friend Is To Be One

The Best Way To Find A Real Friend Is To Be One

The best way to find a true and loyal friend is to be one. But before we look a bit deeper into what type of friend you might want to be, let’s emphasize the fact that genuine, deep, and lifelong friendships don’t happen overnight. They happen over weeks and months and years of incessantly making time for someone and investing in them.

So, if you happen to be lonely, our best advice is to do your best to be the type of friend that you have always wanted to have.

Be the type of friend that calls them when you are thinking about them and that buys them gifts just because. Be the type of friend that texts them when you notice that it has been a while since you two have seen and talked to each other, and says stuff, such as, “I miss you; let’s go out and do something fun.”

Be the type of friend that asks them what they are doing and then attentively listens to them because their answer matters to you. Be the type of friend that never breaks promises and that doesn’t disappear when they need you the most.

Be the type of friend that shows how you feel about them, that showers them with attention and hugs, and that says, “I love you.”  Be the type of friend that cares for them when they’re ill.  Be the type of friend that encourages them to pursue their goals and fulfill their dreams.

Be the type of friend that sticks with them through thick and thin. Be the type of friend that never leaves them to deal with their worries and problems on their own. Be the type of friend they know they can always count on to help and support them.

Be the type of friend that makes time for them no matter how busy you are. Be the type of friend that enjoys spending time with them.

Be the type of friend that celebrates their successes with them as if you are their biggest cheerleader and most devoted fan.

Be the type of friend that never leaves. If you’re going through tough times or if they are just all of a sudden getting on your nerves, be the type of friend that stays. Be the type of friend that talks about things that are weighing you down instead of pulling back. Be the type of friend that will fight for your friendships as if your life depends on it.

Because that’s what true friends do. They fight for their friendships with every fiber of their being and they don’t leave without having exhausted every means of saving them.

True friends are people that love genuinely, selflessly, unconditionally, and wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return.

True friends are people that give more than they take. They’re always there for their friends. They love their friends with their whole hearts and they hold on to them tightly. And they’re aware of how valuable their friendships are.

Riley Cooper