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Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Who Puts Effort Into Making You Happy

Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Who Puts Effort Into Your Relationship

Stay single until you meet someone who is mature enough to understand that a relationship requires work. Someone who can handle all the responsibilities in a relationship. Someone who is willing to put hard work and effort into loving you.

Stay single until you meet someone who cares for you and treats you well. Someone who has good manners. Someone who is good to you and treats you like you deserve to be treated – with utmost respect and love.

Stay single until you meet someone who puts effort into planning interesting dates with you. Someone who knows what you like and does just that to make you happy. Someone who spends their weekends and their free time with you doing new things.

Stay single until you meet someone who makes you feel included in their life. Someone who wants you to meet their friends and family because you are important to them and they want to include you in their life in a meaningful way.

Stay single until you meet someone who meets all your physical and emotional needs.

Stay single until you meet someone who puts an effort into the relationship. Someone who knows that relationships should be based on giving and receiving and that the effort should be equal and genuine from both sides. Someone who wants to make the relationship with you work.

Stay single until you meet someone who texts you the first thing in the morning. Someone who thinks about you when they open their eyes in the morning and you are their last thought before they go to sleep. Also, someone who texts you and calls you during the day just to hear your voice and see how you are doing.

Stay single until you meet someone who is there for you whenever you need help. Someone who takes you to the hospital when you are not feeling good. Someone who helps you with the laundry and the dishes. Someone who buys groceries for you… Someone who cooks your favorite dinner and makes you your favorite dinner just because they want to see you smile. Someone who understands that it’s the little things you do for a person that matter.

Stay single until you meet someone who plans their future with you. Someone who can’t imagine being separated from you. Someone who is excited to see you next to him every day for the rest of their life.

Mary Wright