Home Stories Perhaps God Is Making You Wait Since He Wants To Teach You...

Perhaps God Is Making You Wait Since He Wants To Teach You A Lesson: You Can’t Control Every Aspect Of Your Life


Just because you still haven’t accomplished all your goals and dreams doesn’t mean that you were never supposed to. Just because your life doesn’t look now the way you thought it would 10 or 20 years ago doesn’t mean it never will.

Perhaps God is making you wait because He wants to teach you that you can’t control every aspect of your life. Perhaps He wants to teach you that no matter how much you want and try to control what’s going on in your life – you can’t. No one can.

Perhaps God is making you wait since He wants you to understand that expectations mean nothing in life. That you can’t set a date when you’re going to get your dream job, get married, accomplish a certain goal, and the list goes on.

Perhaps you are still running solo since God wants you to realize that there are other types of love: the type of love you give your family, the type of love you give your friends, the type of love you give your colleagues, and most importantly, the type of love you give yourself.

Perhaps you are still on your own since God wants you to find ways how to go through your life depending solely on yourself. Perhaps He wants to teach you how to live your life without craving validation from other people and meeting everyone’s expectations.

Perhaps you are still alone because God wants you to learn what kind of people deserves a place in your life, and, most importantly heart, before you fall for someone. Perhaps He wants you to identify what type of man or woman is right for you.

Perhaps God is teaching you the same lessons time and time again since He wants you to learn how to face and successfully overcome every difficult challenge, problem, and pain life sends your way. Perhaps He wants you to become wise enough, strong enough, and resilient enough so that you’re prepared to pick yourself up and move forward when life knocks you down.

Perhaps God wants you to understand that instead of trying to control your life, you should enjoy it. That instead of dwelling on your past mistakes, sorrows, losses, and pains, and worrying about what tomorrow may bring, you should try to live right here and right now.

Perhaps God doesn’t want you to fantasize about how you’d like your future to look like but enjoy the present moment instead.

Perhaps God is making you wait since the more time you spend waiting, the more grateful you become for what you already have in life. The more you appreciate your loved ones.

Perhaps God is making you wait since the more time you spend waiting, the more you learn about the virtue of patience and the virtue of gratitude.

Perhaps God is making you wait since He wants you to understand that life doesn’t always go according to plan and that you won’t always accomplish your goals, but also that you must never lose faith in yourself and stop loving yourself.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]

Riley Cooper