Let 2020 be the year when you leave behind all the pain and wounds. In 2020, I hope that you will release yourself from your fears and insecurities so that you don’t miss out on all the beautiful and amazing possibilities that life has to offer you. I hope you won’t be scared to take risks. Many risks. Say ‘goodbye’ to the mindset that you are not enough and therefore you won’t be able to make it because you will. And you are enough. Next year, start looking at yourself like you are capable of doing everything. And never ever hold back again.
Let 2020 be the year when you stop letting other people’s opinions influence your life choices. In 2020, I hope that you will be brave enough to focus on you and what YOU want. I hope you won’t forget your power and start choosing what’s best for you. I hope that you will be the creator of your destiny and not let anyone tell you how you are supposed to be living your life.
Let 2020 be the year when you finally realize your worth and never settle for less. In 2020, I hope that you will stop making excuses for shitty behavior from people and instead, start loving yourself the way you’ve always wanted to be loved. I hope that you will fill the next year with self-love and start putting yourself first and choosing you over people and things that don’t deserve your time and energy. I hope that this year you’ll say ‘no’ more often without feeling the need to apologize for it.
Let 2020 be the year when you stop giving your love to people who refuse to love you in a real way. In 2020, I hope that you will untie yourself from any kind of toxic relationships and bonds. I hope that you will free yourself from people who are not choosing you. I hope that you will no longer hold onto the memories of them because, in all honesty, if they are not with you to celebrate the beginning of the new year than they don’t deserve a physical or mental space in your life.
Let 2020 be the year when you become the creator of the life you’ve always wanted. I hope you will face 2020 with all the lessons learned. I hope you’ve learned that you are bold and strong and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. I hope you know by now that you can be soft, vulnerable, and kind but you won’t let anyone step over you because you’re not a fool.
Finally, I hope that 2020 will be the year when you find happiness within you. I hope you will overcome every challenge you have and find meaning and passion in everything you do. I hope you find yourself and won’t ever lose you again.
I hope that this is the year when you’ll shine the brightest and you’ll never let anyone dim your light!