Home Love & Relationships It Took Excruciating And Unbearable Pain, But I’ve Finally Found Myself

It Took Excruciating And Unbearable Pain, But I’ve Finally Found Myself


One of the hardest things that I had to go through was losing you. The pain was excruciating and unbearable. I had never felt so alone in my entire life. I never knew that love could hurt that much.

In the process of loving you, I’ve lost myself. I fell so away from my true nature that I didn’t know who I was anymore. It took many days, nights, tears, and courage to finally admit that the person I was with you wasn’t my true self. I became someone else. I became a person who gave up anything to please you. I was bending over backward for you, loving you and caring for you only to realize that no matter what I do, I will never be good enough for you.

I was molding myself to your needs that I failed to realize that I was losing myself at the same time. I guess that’s why my whole world crashed down when you left me. I was so empty that I couldn’t bear another loss.

My hopes, dreams, and future plans were all including you – the person who broke my heart, shattered my hopes, and never looked back.

I hated myself for allowing you to hurt me like that. Now, I understand that you were only a lesson along the way, and you had to break me like that in order to become who I am today.

Because it took heartbreak, tears, and numbing pain to realize that I desperately needed to find myself again and understand that pain is temporary, but the person we are at the core is what determines our entire destiny.

It took feeling lonely and abandoned, the loneliest I could ever feel, to realize that I will never find my happiness until I became myself again. And I am thankful for every step towards the way of reinventing myself and becoming stronger than ever.

And now, all I want to say is THANK YOU. Thank you for opening my eyes and forcing me to change my old habits.

Thank you, because now I won’t allow anyone to walk over me. I will never again make the mistake of pleasing and doing everything for the other person while forgetting about myself and my needs.

Mary Wright