Home Love & Relationships Don’t Be Surprised To See Me Walking Away From You When You...

Don’t Be Surprised To See Me Walking Away From You When You Never Gave Me A Reason To Stay


Don’t be surprised to discover that you are no more the first person I call whenever something happens, good or bad. You taught me that every time you showed me that I couldn’t count on you when I needed you the most. You taught me that every time I was waiting for you and you didn’t show up.

Don’t be surprised to discover that I am now spending my time with people who care about me instead of you. You taught me that you are never going to be there for me every time you didn’t have time to listen to me or spend more quality time with me. Any time you were leaving me out in the cold.

You didn’t even bother to remember the little things that are important to me. You never asked me how I feel. My friends and family were my only support and you never were. That’s how you taught me that I don’t need you because I have people in my life who actually love me and care for me.

Don’t be surprised to discover that I am not including you in my plans anymore. You taught me that I should plan my future without you. You taught me this every time you didn’t follow through your plans, every time you said ‘no’ to me. Your flakiness turned my heart cold. 

Don’t be surprised to discover that I don’t miss you anymore. You taught me how to be without you every time you made me feel like you could care less if I am in your life or not. You were leaving me alone for so long that I actually fell in love with myself and my solitude. I started enjoying it as I started hating your absence. 

You never told me you loved me. You never told me you missed me. You never told me that I enrich your life and you are happy to be with me.

Don’t be surprised to discover that I am ignoring your phone calls and text messages. Because I was the one who compromised in our relationship. I was the one who always needed to change my plans to fit your schedule only to see you. And you, on the other hand, never made any sacrifices to accommodate me. I was the one initiating contact while you were “forgetting” to call me and ask me how my day went. 

I was the only one fighting for our relationship. I was investing and giving my all to a person who couldn’t care less about me.

So, don’t be surprised to see me walking away from you. I am only finding myself again. I am finally realizing that I deserve so much more than your fake words and broken promises. I deserve so much more than someone who is taking me for granted.

I deserve to be with someone who would never ever make me feel like I am invisible.   

Also, don’t be surprised to discover that my once burning passion for you turned cold. Don’t be surprised to discover that my previously sweet and loving words have now turned bitter.

Don’t be surprised to see me looking at you like you don’t exist. Because you don’t. I have zero feelings for you. You destroyed them yourself. You taught me how to stop loving you.

And finally, don’t be surprised to discover that I am finally moving away from you because you have never given me any reason to stay.


I am currently writing my first book titled Inside The Narcissist’s Psyche: His Ability To Make Victims Stay With Him Even Though The Pain They’re Feeling Is Unbearable” If you are interested to take a glimpse at it, follow this link and tell us whether you like the subject so that we can send you a  free chapter after we publish it.

Mary Wright