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A True Friend Is Someone Who Knows Every Dark Part Of Your Soul But Loves You Anyway

A True Friend Is Someone Who Knows Every Dark Part Of You But Still Loves You Anyway

I’ve been struggling to find the words to explain to you how much you mean to me, for quite some time now, but I will still try it.

Dear friend, I want you to know that if it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be the person I am today.

You are not just a true friend, you are family.

You’ve been there for me in sadness and you’ve been there for me in happiness. You’ve held my hand. You’ve helped me face my demons. You’ve unlocked the ugliest parts of my soul. You’ve literally seen me at my worst. And despite everything, you still love me. You love me for who I am, and you are always there to support me in everything that I do

You’ve shown me what true friendship really means…

A true friend is someone who is always honest with you, no matter how painful the truth may be. Someone who would rather slap you in the face with the ugliness, than comfort you with a sweet lie.

A true friend is someone who believes in you, even when the whole world conspires against you. Someone who would never ever doubt you, no matter how silly you sound.

A true friend is someone who never abandons you. Someone who sticks with you through thick and thin and holds your hand through the hardest times of your life.

A true friend is someone who knows how crazy you are and doesn’t judge you. Someone who would always be there to join you on your wildest journeys.

A true friend is someone who knows all of your flaws, disagrees with someone your opinions, is aware of your differences, but still loves you endlessly. Someone who accepts you for exactly who you are without trying to change you.

A true friend is someone who knows the song your soul sings. Someone whose heart beats in the same rhythm as yours.

A true friend is someone who encourages you to open your wings and fly. Someone who helps you grow.

You are all of this and more to me. You are my partner in crime. You are my happiness. You are my soulmate. You are my motivation. You are the light that guides me through the night. You are my greatest support.

And for all of this, I am thankful beyond words.

Stephanie Reeds