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108-Year-Old Man Says The Secret To A Long Life Is Picking A Good Wife

The Secret To A Long Life Is Picking A Good Wife

Esmond Allcock, a 108-year-old gentleman who passed away only a few months after his 108th birthday on January 26, 2018, was the oldest man in Canada. Before his death, he revealed the secret of his long life and that is – picking the right spouse.

“I didn’t behave myself for a few years there, but then I got a really good wife,” he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

He was married to his wife Helen for 72 years. After she passed away, he lived for 7 years in the Kerrobert Health Centre. At the Centre, he was loved by all the patients and the employees. They describe him as a good-natured man and a wonderful storyteller.

They also threw him a birthday party to celebrate his 108th birthday.

“Oh, they nearly drove me nuts. They probably took 100 pictures of me,” Allcock said laughing.

He missed his wife and that’s why after she passed away, he decided to move into the Health Centre. He said that his wife was the best thing that has ever happened to him and that he was a very happy man next to her.

He advises all people to be careful while picking their future spouse. According to him, looks don’t matter, but a good heart does.

Source: CBC

Mary Wright