If you were raised by a strong mother, you don’t expect someone else to make you happy. Your happiness is certainly not determined by a man. You realize that you are enough on your own and you can shine on your own. You realize that your love life has little to do with your fulfillment as a person and your future success.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you grow up to be independent. You learn to speak up and stand for yourself during arguments. You learn how to take care of yourself and survive on your own, just like your mom did.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you know what it feels like to be truly loved. You know how to tell a healthy from a toxic relationship. You know how to treat others with love and respect and you know what you want from a partner. You never settle for less than a partnership of equal give and take.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you respect yourself. You don’t allow anyone to walk over you or take you for granted. You treat everyone with respect and you expect that from others too. If someone doesn’t treat you right, you walk away.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you know that crying does not equal weakness. You can be a strong girl and still cry from time to time. It is a normal thing and it means that you are human. Even the bravest and strongest break down sometimes and it is okay.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you don’t give up on yourself. You get yourself back together anytime life breaks you down. You pick yourself up and dust yourself off after every fall. You constantly tell yourself that you can do everything you set your mind on. And you are smart enough to know that failure is not an option for you. You will keep trying until you get what you want.
If you were raised by a strong mother, you know your worth. You would never allow anyone to take advantage of you. Your mother has taught you to never accept any kind of disrespecting behavior from anyone. She taught you to keep your standards high because you are worthy of something special.
If you are raised by a strong mother, you never feel lonely and alone. You have found a peace within yourself. You don’t have trouble being on your own. You love yourself, you love your life as it is and you enjoy every moment of it.
If you are raised by a strong mother, you have a best friend for life. She is someone who you can always count on. She is your soulmate, your friend, your confidant, your biggest cheerleader and supporter. You have her to help you anytime when you feel a little lost and broken.
Your strong mother is your inspiration. Your partner in crime. Your savior. Your role model. Someone who you admire the most.
It is because of her that you grow up to be a strong woman yourself.