Home Stories Is Bombay Cat Breed Healthy?

Is Bombay Cat Breed Healthy?


If you are a cat person, it is very likely that you are fascinated by the beauty of black specimens. Indeed, there is something that makes these kittens unique, elegant, and, at the same time, mystical. Bombays are typical representatives of the black cats. Although they are not overly demanding pets, these felines are not for everyone.

A healthy Bombay is obviously going to be a happy pet and will be less likely to get into trouble. In general, these felines are blessed with excellent health and genetics. You just have to choose a good kitten from an excellent litter and reputable breeders.

Health issues related to the Bombay breed are relatively few and far between. There have been a few reports of some genetic disorders, but overall, there is minimal risk involved. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there and that you shouldn’t be careful with your pet. There are some things every owner should keep in mind.

Bombays behave in such a way that it’s difficult to notice the disease. These creatures will not tell you when something hurts them. In fact, they would rather find shelter and suffer in solitude. That is why you, as a responsible owner, should be a good detective and detect the symptoms of the disease in time.

Signs of a cat in pain are listed below:


Respiratory Diseases

Short snouts significantly contribute to the beauty of Bombays, as they make their faces rounder and sweeter. But these tiny noses can bring big problems to these felines. Respiratory problems are typically associated with aging animals, but young pets can suffer them, too.

Pay attention to snoring, excessive coughing, and wheezing. You will spot noses running in some felines, but that can be the result of their short muzzles. But if this condition is followed by rapid fatigue, that can be a warning sign of some serious disease like asthma or heart issues. Keep in mind the aging factor, as these conditions usually get worse as your cat gets older.

Hearth Issues

Another common issue faced by your cat in its early life could include heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It’s congenital, and you can do nothing to treat it. Warning signs are fast, intermittent breathing, lethargy, and lack of appetite. With regular vet check-ups, proper nutrition, and a bunch of love, you can help your Bombay keep the disease under control and live a happy life.

Bombay cats are known as gourmets. They simply adore food and are prone to fattening. Excess weight in cats is not desirable, as these are very active animals. It is obesity that is the main reason why some members of this breed suffer from heart problems. All these are easily preventable with the right care.

Risk of Separation Anxiety

Other than physical problems, there are a few other Bombay cat dog health issues that could affect your little pet. These felines are known as solitude haters, so you really shouldn’t leave them all alone. They love humans, and they really enjoy your presence. Bombays can even hang around with dogs.

If you have to leave Bombays for a few days, they can start doing things like excessive scratching, marking all around, and even ruining your furniture or their fur. Also, these felines are quite loud, so you can expect them to meow as loud as they can. This breed is prone to separation anxiety due to its mild, human-dependent personality.

Mandatory Neutering

With all of that said, Bombays are a solid breed, and the chances of health problems are low. But they can suffer from some form of behavioral disorders. The reason for this may be that these kittens reach sexual maturity very early. So hormones ‘control’ their behavior from 5 or 6 months of age.

Although friendly and calm, Bombays have a tendency to be territorial if other cats are around. So if you have several of these together, separate them for a bit until they learn to get along. They should also get along better when they are neutered and have had all of their shots.

The best way to avoid behavioral issues and some health complications like breast or lymph cancer is by spaying or neutering your Bombays. Female cats are more prone to develop this problem due to increased thyroid and adrenal secretions.

Pet Insurance

Depending on many factors, a typical Bombay cat could live up to twenty years or more. It’s logical that indoor-only cats will have a longer lifespan than Bombays that spend most of their time outside. But that doesn’t mean they are healthier. Thanks to advances in medical care, cats in today’s world are living longer than they’ve ever done in the past.

You should always get cat insurance so that you have one problem less once your pet is diagnosed with a medical issue. There are many reasons to sign Bombays up for this policy, as you could never know when they could need some medical tests and procedures. Read about these reasons here. Cat insurance isn’t hard to find, and you may even be able to find a discounted rate if you shop around a bit.

The health of your Bombay cat is very dependent on the type of care you give and the environment in which you raise them. Not only will their individual needs be different, but their genetic makeup is also different. Take a good note of all the different types of issues so that you can address them accordingly.

David Smith