Home Psychology 8 Reasons Why Most Men Are Unable To Handle Deep Women

8 Reasons Why Most Men Are Unable To Handle Deep Women


There’s this curse of being deep instead of shallow, focusing on the bigger picture and going in depth, instead of blabbering about nonsense and giggling at things you don’t understand. And the curse is ending up alone.

It’s true that complexity and intellect are highly prized, but it seems that most men are simply unable to handle this depth in women. And here are 10 reasons why:

1. Honesty

While people prize honesty, it seems that there’s some kind of selective appreciation of when honesty is needed, and when it’s just about feeding one’s ego and vanity. The direct nature of a deep woman, however, doesn’t want to make such distinction because of the awareness that honesty is honesty and should be always present.

That doesn’t appeal to most man, though, as they feel nervous when confronted – especially when it turns out that the woman is winning the control over the situation because of the honest truth.

2. Craving consistency

Inconsistency is the biggest turnoff for every deep woman. They want a man who does what he says and stands by his word. If you can’t be consistent in your actions, you can’t be with her for long.

3. Intensity

Deep women live a passionate life filled with thrills and intensity. She is fully aware of her emotions and she isn’t afraid to lay her thoughts out in the open. This, however, is intimidating for most men, who don’t feel strong enough to handle her intensity.

4. A need for a deep relationship

It’s not just doing those same old things every other relationship is characterized by and it’s definitely not casual dating she’s after. A deep woman will look for meaning and complexity in a relationship, where there are mutual understanding and emotional openness.

5. Independence

Her unique personality is, first and foremost, characterized by a strong sense of independence. She chooses to be with a man because she wants him, not because she needs him. And this is what most men find intimidating and hard to handle.

6. Seeing through you

It’s in a deep woman’s passion to find more about what makes you tick, what your goals are, your vulnerabilities, and your passions. This, however, is not something most men are comfortable to reveal.

7. Asking deep questions

A deep woman won’t hesitate to ask you some deep questions about your life philosophies and your ultimate goals. What makes you happy? What’s your purpose in life? And other questions like this make most men feel insecure and not ‘manly’ enough.

8. Loving deeply

In the end, with all her depth, don’t be surprised by her ability to love deeply and intensely. If you’re not ready for this kind of depth, though, she’ll notice it and she’ll walk away. And we all know how many men are simply ‘not ready’ for this kind of love.

Mary Wright


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