Home Love & Relationships 10 Reasons Why Women Who Are Used To Being Alone ALWAYS End...

10 Reasons Why Women Who Are Used To Being Alone ALWAYS End Up The Happiest


Women who are used on being on their own are exceptional women who know how to take care of themselves. They are warriors, go-getters. They know what they want and they see straight to other people’s bullshit, so they cut out anyone who is not deserving of their time and love.

These women always come out on top and end up the happiest and here’s why.

1. They end up the happiest because they cut out toxic people from their lives.

Women who are used to being on their own have no problem to cut out people from their life who are toxic to them. They refuse to surround themselves with negativity and people who don’t appreciate them. They choose to be alone rather than being with someone whose soul doesn’t align with theirs.

2. They end up the happiest because they are confident and they love themselves.

Women who are used to being on their own are very confident. They love themselves and they don’t need anyone’s validation to feel good. They know who they are and what they have to offer and that’s why they refuse to accept anything less than they deserve.

3. They end up the happiest because they are okay with being single.

Women who are used to being on their own don’t give a damn if they don’t have a partner in their life. Their happiness doesn’t depend on whether they are in a relationship. They are happy with their life as it is. Of course, they are open to finding love, but they are not looking to find just anyone. They are looking for the right person.

4. They end up the happiest because they are emotionally strong.

Women who are used to being on their own are exceptionally strong, mentally and emotionally. They are strong-willed and have great surviving power. They overcome every challenge with a smile on their face because they know they can come out stronger after everything is over.

5. They end up the happiest because they know what they want and they go after it.

Women who are used to being on their own have very clear and defined goals and they follow them passionately. They are determined to create the life they’ve always wanted for themselves. They are able to do that because they spend most of their time alone and so they focus on their projects and get things done.

6. They end up the happiest because they have a strong connection with themselves.

Women who are used to being on their own have really gotten to know themselves. They know their triggers, flaws, and their strong assets. They enjoy being by themselves and doing the things they love – writing, reading books, watching movies, learning new things, walking in the park, etc. They never feel bored or lonely because they enjoy their own company.

7. They end up the happiest because they are unfuckwithable.

Women who are used to being on their own have put a lot of effort and work on themselves and their own peace. Therefore, they don’t allow anyone to get to them and ruin their aura of positivity. They don’t give a damn about what others say or do. They ignore the haters and those who want to bring them down and they focus on their growth instead.

8. They end up the happiest because they are genuine and they don’t have time for playing games.

Women who are used to being on their own are honest and genuine. They don’t waste their time with manipulators, ghosters, cheaters, and liars. They have boundaries and they have set their standards high because they know their worth. They only want honest, genuine, and trustworthy people like them in their life.

9. They end up the happiest because they don’t rely on others to make them happy.

Women who are used to being on their own are used to do everything without help from others. Therefore, they have learned that they cannot rely on other people to make them happy and fulfilled. They must first find happiness and fulfillment inside them.

10. They end up the happiest because they are comfortable in their own skin.

Women who are used to being on their own are comfortable with themselves and who they are. They are happy with their flaws and they take care of themselves with love and compassion. They know that true beauty is in the soul.

These women have built a beautiful life for themselves. They are strong, secure, and determined. Being on their own has given them the wisdom and courage to be unapologetically themselves and fight for their happiness. And that’s why they always come on top.

Should you have any questions or would like to ask me for advice or hear my opinion on a topic that is important to you, don’t hesitate to send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help you.

Mary Wright