Home Love & Relationships Why The Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath Is A Match...

Why The Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath Is A Match Made In Hell


The relationship between a narcissist and an empath is one of the most intense and addictive ones which makes it also the most toxic and detrimental for the empath.

The empath is the healer of the society. They are one of the kindest and most genuine human beings because they have the ability to experience other people’s feelings and deep emotions as their own. They are rare gems who always put themselves in the shoes of the other person and that’s why they are so understanding and compassionate of everyone and everything.

This very nature is what attracts the narcissist to them.

The narcissist is a terribly wounded person. Behind their need for power, validation, and grandiosity are many years of trauma and abuse that no one knows about. They display a confident and selfish front, but inside there is hidden a scarred heart and wounded soul which are the relics of a dark and painful past. And because of this reason, the narcissist vows that they will never allow anyone to break their heart again. Instead, they will be the ones who will do the hurting.

Because of the years of abuse, the narcissist feels the need for constant praise and validation. They need other people to tell them they are amazing and look at them with admiration because inside, they don’t feel confident and good enough. Due to their inferiority complex, they use other people and abuse them in order to feel in power and significant.

And who can make the narcissist more significant than the empath?

The empath’s healing and loving nature matches the narcissist’s need for constant attention and validation. It’s a perfect match. Sadly, an extremely destructive and toxic one.

The main reason why it’s so toxic is the different nature of the narcissist and the empath. The empath is a very generous human being who only sees the good in others and believes that people are good at heart.

The narcissist, on the other hand, has a dark side that the empath can’t see. A narcissist is a selfish person that lacks empathy and compassion. They will try to control the empath by using all sorts of manipulation techniques and making them believe that they are experiencing the most beautiful love story. 

The relationship between them is not based on mutual and equal give and take. Rather, the empath ends up being the one who is always giving everything to the relationship, and the narcissist is the taker.

During the beginning stage, the narcissist and the empath will enjoy one another’s company because the empath feels happy when they are giving, and the narcissist’s ego will be fed. But, the more the empath gives, the more in control the narcissist feels.

The narcissist will then begin to test the limits of the empath by saying things like, “If you really loved me, you would’ve done that for me.” The empath will then be provoked into going to extremes to prove their love for the narcissist. The whole dynamic of the relationship will be about the narcissist. Every conversation will be about the narcissist who is manipulating the empath’s emotions and their thought process to cater to their own selfish needs.

The ultimate goal of the narcissist is filling the empath with guilt and insecurity, and slowly withering away their self-esteem and confidence. When they succeed in that, the narcissist will have total control over the empath because no matter what happens in the relationship, the empath will always blame themselves and think it’s their fault.

When the empath loses its confidence, they will depend more and more on the narcissist. They will start needing the narcissist, but the narcissist won’t be as available to them as they were before because they’ve achieved their goal.

The empath will then become very hurt and depressed and thus become a narcissist themselves. Everyone who is deeply wounded is susceptible to become a narcissist. Therefore, the wounded empath will start focusing on themselves more which will make the narcissist feel abandoned. Both parties will feel that their needs in the relationship are not being met and that will lead to the inevitable breakup.

And while the narcissist will immediately find another victim because they can’t live without having a Narcissistic Supply, the empath’s path of healing will be a long one.

Because the deeply hurt empath can become a narcissist, it is crucial for them to try and find balance in order to avoid further damages. The empath must learn how to set healthy boundaries to protect themselves.

Being compassionate and helping others is a wonderful thing but going out of their ways to please people can be detrimental for them, especially if they are dealing with a narcissist.

The best way to deal with a narcissist is not dealing with them at all and leave the abusive relationship immediately. Also, the empath should not allow the pain from the toxic relationship affect them and change their beautiful and caring nature. Because this world needs more empaths. We need their love and energy in order to survive.

Finally, the empath must learn their biggest lesson that they cannot fix everyone. When it comes to narcissists, it’s best to let them go.

Should you have any questions or would like to ask me for advice or hear my opinion on a topic that is important to you, don’t hesitate to send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help you. 

Mary Wright