Anyone can gain weight by eating enough. However, if you want to add the type of size that looks good when you’re strolling down the Venice boardwalk near the Muscle Beach Gym—where some of the greatest bodybuilders of all time have looked their best—then “large” won’t suffice.
From your traps to your calves, the greats of the past knew how to go from skinny to big in a way that produces symmetrical, streamlined muscle and gives you a dense, lean look. They knew that with patience and the appropriate approach, they could achieve the desired size and abs.
We spoke with a nutritionist and several Muscle Beach-sponsored competitors to gather these sensible, practical nutritional approaches. They are best for the aspiring bodybuilder who wants to look amazing wearing some of the classy options by top sports clothing manufacturers, not simply huge, in order to acquire some new insight into optimal weight gain.
1. Make Small Changes to Avoid Extremes
Yes, it is possible to gain or lose too much weight too quickly. It’s definitely primarily body fat if you’re gaining more than 2-3 pounds every week. It’s undoubtedly a lot of muscle tissue if you’re losing more than 2-3 pounds every week.
If you’re not making steady progress toward your goal after three weeks, increase or decrease your calorie intake by 200-400 calories each day. You can consult with a certified nutritionist via online video for the best advice. Just have the best webcam from any top webcam manufacturer and share your live physique.
Maintain your current macronutrient ratios and commit to the new level for three weeks. Continue to tune your macros until the scale is steadily moving in the proper direction.
2. Learn Your Magic Number
Are you gaining the incorrect type of fat when you really want to lose it? Or perhaps you’ve reached a stalemate? In any case, it’s possible that your calorie in versus calorie out balance is off. To calculate your optimal development range, multiply your body weight by 16-18.
A 160-pound man needs 2,560-2,880 calories per day, according to this formula (160 pounds multiplied by 16 and then by 18). Those calories should be distributed among 5-7 meals, one every 2-4 hours, for the optimum benefits. Multiply your body weight by 12 if you need to shed a few pounds. You’ll want to stay in the 13-15 range if you’re looking to maintain. (1)
3. Every Meal Must Include Protein
Protein, or more precisely, the amino acids present in complete proteins like meat, fish, and dairy, are essential in developing a temporomandibular joint, a well-balanced physique. People also consume a lot of fish, milk, chicken, mostly tuna, eggs, occasionally red meat, oats, almonds, seeds, and kernels for protein.
Lean meats are one of your body’s most effective fat-burning foods, aiding in the acceleration of your metabolism and the development of healthy muscle tissue while also making you feel full and satisfied.
Lean protein sources include chicken and turkey breast, fish, lean cuts of beef such as loin and round cuts, and egg whites, which should account for 15-20% of your daily calories.
4. Never Fear Carbs
“Carbs” may have become a nasty word to you if you’ve never tried to exercise hard and gain significant muscle mass. That’s a blunder. You’ll need a lot of carbs if you’re training hard. If you stick to a low-carb diet for too long, you’ll feel drained and possibly catabolic, which means you’ll lose muscle mass rather than fat. Carbohydrates, of course, include a vast range of foods, and not all of them are suitable for bodybuilding.
Carbohydrates are abundant in vegetables. Because they’re nutrient-dense and high in fiber, they take longer for your body to break down, absorb, and digest, making you feel fuller for longer. Furthermore, the antioxidants included in many veggies help to maintain good health and prevent disease.
5. Distinguish Between Fact And Fiction
Fat, like carbs, comes in a variety of forms. Saturated and trans fats, such as those present in cheese, ice cream, butter, and marbled red meat, are unhealthy for you.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which comprise the important fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, are found in good-for-you fats. These fats are better for you and can even lower your risk of disease and inflammation, which is a welcome benefit for athletes. Fish, seeds, and nuts, as well as oils like olive, canola, sunflower, and corn, are wonderful sources of healthy fats.
6. Shakes Can Be Used As A Supplement
Make protein smoothies your secret weapon if you’re having difficulties fitting enough satisfying items into your meals. To hit your numbers without feeling filled, add a 20-25-gram protein shake to your dietary pattern once or twice a day. Be seated on your favorite spot at home with wholesale stackable chairs to enjoy protein shake at its best.
Then there’s the harsh reality that if you’ve had one too many drinks, your better judgment might crawl into the back seat as you drive home past that all-night cafe. If you just want that chiseled body you’ve always desired, keep your attention on the road got ta past the seven-egg cheese scrambled eggs and cinnamon pastries.