Home Stories Sometimes God Brings Certain People Into Your Life And Then Lets Them...

Sometimes God Brings Certain People Into Your Life And Then Lets Them Go


Have you ever asked yourself why you get along with some people more than others or why you connect with some people more easily than others?

Or have you ever wondered why you had to let go of some people when they seemed to be everything you ever needed and wanted in life?

Well, all of these questions have the same answer: God always has reasons for everything that happens in your life.

God has plans for you that are greater than your hope and wishes. He has plans for you that you can’t control.

God brings the right people into your life at the right time.  Perhaps the reason for this is that they’re meant to help you overcome your insecurities and fears. Or perhaps they’re meant to remind you of your strength and inspire you to move forward when you are at your lowest. Or perhaps they’re meant to teach you how to accept your strong feelings and the things you’ve never liked about yourself. Or perhaps they are meant to teach you valuable lessons about you and your life.  

Perhaps God brings certain people into your life so that they can encourage you to work on yourself, grow, and become the best version of yourself.

Perhaps God brings you closer to certain people so that they make you appreciate more those who truly love you and care about you.

Perhaps God places certain people in your life since they’re the answers to all of your questions about life.

If you stop for a moment to think about all those individuals that you’ve had to let go of although you created a strong bond with them, you’ll likely find that regardless of whether they played a minor or major role in your life, they all taught you important lessons about life.

Unfortunately, what we often try to do is to make those who we hold dear stay in our lives forever. But, what we fail to understand is that not every person who enters our lives is meant to stay there forever.

Because sometimes God calls certain people to stay in your life for a short period of time.

And I know it’s hard to understand why God would separate you from someone that stood by you when you were at your lowest and that meant the world to you.

But, have you ever thought that if these people had stayed in your life, perhaps they would have stopped being inspiring for you. Perhaps they would have hurt you. Perhaps they would have become just a dark spot in your life.

That’s the reason why you should always believe in God’s plans. You should always have faith in Him and let go of the people that are not meant to stay in your life.

Because when God brings certain people into your life and then lets them go, He teaches you how to let go of someone easily. He teaches you to have faith that the next person He brings into your life is the person you need – the person who is meant to stay in your life forever.

Riley Cooper