Home Stories Mother Nature Needed A Break From Humanity And She Is Finally Taking...

Mother Nature Needed A Break From Humanity And She Is Finally Taking It

good for the planet

I feel like it’s finally time to admit it… To take responsibility for our actions. To open our eyes and see the consequences of our own selfish deeds. Witness the horror around us… and for the first time in our lives just accept the truth. Nothing more than that.

It’s our fault. It has always been our own fault…

We are the ones responsible for the complete collapse of entire biosystems. We are the ones who have wiped out a staggering 60% of the animal population worldwide. We are the ones who have always encouraged war before peace. We are the ones responsible for the death of billions of innocent lives. We are the ones polluting this planet. We are the ones who can’t bother to make a change even if that’s as simple as giving up plastic… We are the ones who have made life on Earth insufferable.

After all this pain and loss that we’ve witnessed around the world, after all this damage that humanity has done to the Earth, one thing is certain…

Mother Nature needed a break from humanity for a very long time… And now she is finally taking it.

 So, I guess this is it.

This is the pause that we all needed. The break that Planet Earth so desperately craved.

It’s worrying how these moments, all of this that humanity is going through right now, feels like one big, unpredictable and scary hailstorm. One that is a threat not one country, one city, one community or one nation… But to the entire world. But at the same time, all of this feels relieving. It feels like there’s still hope for Mother Nature.

I mean… have you read the news lately? There are shocking statistics and images emerging online about the dramatic decline in pollution levels all across the world. Swans have returned to the Venice canals, fishes are visible in the clear waters, and more and more wildlife animals are seen wandering through the deserted cities under lockdown…

This is nothing more than a sign. A sign that we’ve been the burden all along.

So, maybe this is good. Maybe this forced pause is Planet Earth finally taking matters into her own hands and punishing us for our selfish actions and destructive behavior. Maybe this is the only way we’ll just realize how much effort we’ve put into destroying our only home. Maybe this is the transformation that humanity needed for a very long time. Maybe this is the only way for Planet Earth to survive.

And maybe this will finally open our eyes and help us accept the truth….

We are not alone here. And no matter how successful we are, how much money we make or how many side-hustles we have, the only thing that makes us worthy is the love that we carry inside our hearts. The compassion. The kindness. The patience. The honesty. The loyalty. The respect. The courage.

It’s time for changes. So, let’s start with ourselves. The best thing that you can do right now is to find your inner light. Connect with it, let it shine on everything that has been dark for a long time and just be. Trust that you have the power to do so and do it. Use this moment to let go of all the fear that is paralyzing your and shift your focus on something brighter. It doesn’t matter what has happened or what is happening right now as long as you are aware of how powerful you truly are. Do what makes you feel good and carry on regardless of how challenging and scary things might be right now…

We’ve been loud and powerful for a very long time. And yet, that didn’t lead us anywhere but to our own destruction…

It’s finally time to give Mother Nature a break and focus on healing.

Stephanie Reeds