Home Stories If Your Life Doesn’t Make You Happy, You’re Responsible To Change It

If Your Life Doesn’t Make You Happy, You’re Responsible To Change It

You’re Responsible To Change It

Many times, we get so stuck in our routine, that we think that it is impossible to get out. We accept and settle for the things we think are right and safe. We fear change because we are afraid to take a leap of faith to the unknown.

So, we stay. We are terrified of the idea of leaving everything behind and starting fresh that we are willing to sacrifice our happiness for the feeling of familiarity and safety. We stay when we should be moving on.

If you are not happy where you are in your life – MOVE. You are not a tree.

If you are not happy with your job – QUIT. If your job is draining you mentally, physically, or emotionally, or if you feel like you don’t have room for growing and learning new things – then quit and go on to find another one that will make you happy. You are not too old to do so. Your happiness is more important than staying in a place where you feel miserable just because you think of the bills you have to pay.

If you are not happy being around your friends – LEAVE. If you feel like they are not influencing you positively and are only bringing you down and suck your energy – leave. You have a responsibility to do so and protect yourself from toxic influences around you. Keep moving forward and surround yourself with people who vibrate on the same frequency as you. You are not meant for mediocre things or mediocre people.

If you are not happy with your relationship – END IT. Your partner is not the last person on Earth with whom you can have a romantic relationship. A relationship is so much more than dinner dates, sweet texts, kisses, and hugs. A true relationship is a relationship that changes you from the core and makes you grow to be the best version of yourself. If your partner is making you feel sad and brings toxicity and heartache into your life, then it’s time to move on and end the relationship for good.

If you are not happy living in your city – MOVE. Yes, familiarity and comfort are good, but they are not that good. If you are unwilling to move to another city just because you fear the unknown, then maybe you should think again and consider taking a risk. Because all the great things in life happen outside of your comfort zone. Be daring to go and experience life in a new city and start fresh. Because, a true home is where you are happy, not where you are safe.

Finally, if you are not happy with how you view your life – CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE. Stop stressing over things you cannot change. You can only change yourself and how you see things. Life is beautiful if you see it as such. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

Your happiness is what matters the most. If you are not happy, make a change today! Take the first step and f*cking move!

Mary Wright