Home Love & Relationships The Best Boyfriends Know That Little Gestures Of Love Are What Matter...

The Best Boyfriends Know That Little Gestures Of Love Are What Matter The Most


The best boyfriends know that the little gestures of love are a way to show their girl they’re thinking of her, care about her and that they want to make her feel loved and appreciated.

The best boyfriends know the small gestures do count.

The best boyfriends are the ones who leave you cute little love notes on your pillow in the morning so that you begin the day with the thought that you’re loved. They’re the ones who will bring you breakfast in bed because they know you love surprises.

The best boyfriends are the ones who are not ashamed to take selfies with you and of you, of course. They don’t care if their “crew” will make fun of them because of that or think they’re pliable and less of a male.

The best boyfriends are the ones who won’t be hesitant or afraid to comment on your photos on Facebook because they don’t worry about what others will think of and say about them.

The best boyfriends are the ones who will be considerate and polite in front of your parents, but not because they want to impress them because they want to show them they really care about you.

They’re the ones who remember the most random things about you. They remember what your favorite box of chocolate is and that you don’t like wearing your hair in a ponytail.

They’re the ones who always kiss you before they leave for work and after they come back, which is a really sweet way to begin and end the day.

They’re the ones who will make your favorite meal. They’re the ones who will buy you tickets to the theater or for your favorite singer’s concert. They’re the ones who will book a spa night for you to relax after a hard day at work.

The best boyfriends are not the “bros” who are too busy and too reserved and disinterested to show that they care about you and the relationship.

They’re the ones who won’t let you walk home late at night, but they’ll call you a taxi. And then they’ll call you to make sure you got home safe and sound. They’re the ones who will go to the pharmacy to get you a medicine in the middle of the night when you’re sick.

The best boyfriends are the ones who will be willing to listen to you complaining about your jealous, unsupportive co-worker. They’re the ones who will carefully listen to you when you tell them what a busy, hard day you had at work.

They’re the ones who plan romantic dates every now and then. They don’t wait for you to invite them out to a restaurant or suggest going for a stroll in the park. They’re the ones who will bring you flowers at work to surprise you and show they’re thinking of you.

The best boyfriends are the ones who will say, “Are you okay?” or What do you need?” when you don’t feel well and you’re down in the dumps. They’re the ones who will know what exactly to say to make you feel better.

They’re the ones who will carry your bags when you go shopping together because that’s what gentlemen do, and that’s what they are, and they’re not ashamed to show that.

They’re the ones who will never forget to text or call during the day to let you know they’re thinking of you. They’re the ones who say “Thank you for everything you do for me.”

The best boyfriends are not the ones who shower you with affection and compliments and then get passive and forget that you exist. They’re not the ones who try to apologize to you and compensate for their indifference with a nice dinner or expensive perfume. No. They’re the ones who are always there for you when you need them.

They’re the ones who wear their heart on their sleeve and who never make you doubt their love for you. They’re the ones who clearly show you where you stand in their life and how much you mean to them.

The best boyfriends are the ones who enjoy spending time with you. The ones who don’t feel like they’re wasting their time and energy on you. Instead, they feel energized and better when they’re with you, and they let you know this.

The best boyfriends don’t feel like they’re sacrificing their “single life” for you because nothing makes them feel happier and more fulfilled than when they’re with you.

They’re the ones who are willing to talk about commitment. Even if the idea of committing themselves to someone may be terrifying to them, they’re tough enough to try because they truly care about you.

The best boyfriends are the ones who are ready to make you the happiest woman in the world.

Riley Cooper