Cheating happens more often than people want to believe, and many are affected, directly or indirectly. If your partner is behaving in a way that’s out of character, you might be starting to question their fidelity.
A relative or friend could have expressed doubts, exacerbating your concerns. On the other hand, maybe it’s just a phase. Many couples go through rough patches, and this may be a temporary loss of interest.
Technology has made it easier to cheat and also to get caught. An obvious way to catch them is an email or a text from the person they’re having an affair with. There are also more subtle signs, which this article will look into.
They are Always Very Busy
They vowed to start working less, but are working late every night instead? All of a sudden, they’re going on a lot more business trips than usual. If they recently changed their job or got a promotion, they’re probably not lying. This behavior is not enough in itself to be certain they’re cheating. If there are other forms of suspicious behavior, but they’re not lying about their work engagements, there might be someone new at work they want to spend more time with.
A Second Email or Phone Number
It turns out they had a ‘backup’ email or phone you didn’t know about. When you get near their phone or computer, they start acting nervous or anxious. When their phone rings, they leave the room to talk.
Being glued to the phone or computer all of a sudden is a warning sign. Another one is if they refuse to tell you who called or texted them and even get mad that you asked. A person with nothing to hide would not react this way.
They Care a lot More About their Appearance
Did they just start caring about how they look a lot more than usual? They were critical of people who worked out but suddenly joined a gym. Again, this sign is not sufficient in itself – people sometimes decide to get in shape, but their enthusiasm soon disappears.
Certain types of behaviors aren’t typically considered real cheating but have elements of infidelity, like becoming secretive. At first, they are easy to ignore and seem unimportant. Still, they can and do hurt a partner. Micro-cheating is an example of such behavior.
What is micro-cheating? It is a series of trivial but inappropriate acts that are often unintentional and occur outside the relationship. It doesn’t involve sex, which is why it’s typically not considered cheating. Still, it can breach a couple’s trust, norms, and boundaries in other ways. It can lead to relationship problems down the line, although it doesn’t necessarily result in an actual affair.
Micro cheating refers to any behavior that induces feelings of betrayal or is kept secret in a committed relationship.
Secretive behavior is a warning sign in general. For example, your partner used to leave credit card or bank statements lying around, but they hide them now. Maybe they don’t want you to know they’re spending more money than usual.
They are Always Angry
Many people feel guilty about cheating, and their guilt manifests as anger. They try to shift the blame onto their partner.
Avoiding Intimacy
They were loving and affectionate, but now they’re cold and distant. If cheating is new to them, they might find it hard to be affectionate and loving to their long-term partner and the other person at the same time.
Another reason could be that they’re getting enough sex from the other person and aren’t in the mood for it with you. Any change in regular patterns can be a red flag, including wanting it more often.
Mood Swings
Mood swings can be a telltale sign of cheating. It can provoke anxiety, leading to mood swings that are out of character. Your partner might feel euphoric one second and depressed the next or might fall victim to a sudden surge of guilt. This explains mood swings, particularly frequent ones.