Home Stories Even Though We Are Distance Apart, We Will Always Be Best Friends...

Even Though We Are Distance Apart, We Will Always Be Best Friends At Heart

Even Though We Are Distance Apart

As life gets more and more hectic as we grow, relationships, friendships, and families are getting harder to maintain. But, it’s good to know when you have someone that tries really hard to keep up with your life.

As much as we make time to see the friends that are near us, it’s also important that we make time for those far away. Because all of you have that one friend that is far away from you, but always so close to your hearts.

Having a long-distance best friend and nurturing that long-distance friendship takes effort, time and love. You instantly start creating a special, kind of magical bond in such friendships. You may not be there with your best friend, but you are always there for them. Whether it’s a call, or a message, or just a funny voice recording, no matter how apart you two are, the heart knows its valuable friends.

I’ve never had a long-distance friend, and I’ve never really thought about how I would feel if I had one. Not until I met my best friend with whom we connected immediately and kept that special bond ever since.

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that you shouldn’t be afraid that you will lose your best friend if you are far apart. The distance between you will just make the friendship even stronger. I know that ours did.

We haven’t let distance define us, but rather we’ve made it our friend, and we nourish the time we have on camera, the chatting and advising through messages, and all those photos of everything we do and accomplish in life.

That is why once you’ve experienced this, you will take a moment to be grateful for having a friend that lifts you up whenever life hits hard. You will be so happy to have such a friend, because you will know that both of you can’t wait for your next adventure together, thus creating more memories to hold on to. Or those late-night voice recordings when you tell each other how the day went.

If it’s a new phase in this long-distance friendship that both of you are going through, don’t worry about it. It will only make your bond stronger. You will grow as strong individuals who share a special bond and you will always be best friends at heart. You will be eager to talk to them. You won’t wait until your next camera-coffee date comes so that you share news with your bestie.

Because a strong friendship doesn’t always need togetherness. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never be apart.

Writing this and remembering our times together makes me smile and be thankful for our friendship.

If you have a long-distance friendship and want to express special gratitude, feel free to share this article with your best friend, trust me – you will make their day.