Even the strongest woman needs a break sometimes.
She needs to take some rest from being so strong and dependable. She needs to take a break from carrying everyone on her shoulders and fist-fighting every hardship in life.
Even the strongest woman needs a break from saving every burned bridge and every failed relationship; she needs a break from cleaning the emotional splatter of her heart and the soul-crushing feelings of loneliness.
She needs to take a rest from doing everything by herself: the cooking, the cleaning, going to work, looking after the kids, and doing the grocery shopping.
She needs a break from the routine, the ordinariness of everyday life.
She needs to take a rest from stressing over first impressions, responsibilities, other people’s opinions, and lost career opportunities.
She needs to understand that with some people we only have history, and she needs to sharpen her nails and fight like a lioness, for she is resourceful, mighty, and brave. She has to realize that it’s never too late to get everything you always wanted.
People compare and despair. They over-analyze their past, but she should take a moment and just take a deep breath.
She needs to understand that our time here is limited; that she doesn’t always have to be the perfect mother, wife, girlfriend, or friend.
She can just be herself for a while and chill out. Like really really chill out and be unbothered by who says what, does what, or thinks you’ve gained a few pounds.
Fresh perspectives change our brain chemistry and you, my dear, need a little freshness and vacation. Define your own vacation and do it.
Opt for the stars. The entire world can wait. Maybe that same world will learn a thing or two about responsibility and emotional support instead of constantly being absent and consumed by its own problems and priorities.
Absorb some sunlight and let the world burn for a moment. It can save itself because you cannot save others only. Sometimes, you need to save yourself too: from the modern city factor or from too many emotions you feel your head will explode.
Because sometimes, the only way to survive in this world is to think it’s empty, so to finally be able to dedicate some time to yourself.