Home Love & Relationships 7 Simple Things That Will Instantly Make a Guy Fall For You

7 Simple Things That Will Instantly Make a Guy Fall For You


One thing that’s often difficult for women to figure out is how they can get a man to fall for them. Worse still, it can feel almost impossible for them when they’re single and looking for love. When you’re in that situation, it can seem like every effort that you make just goes unnoticed. Thankfully, however, there are tricks that can help you.

Getting the right man to notice you doesn’t need to be complicated either. Here are 7 simple things that will instantly make a guy fall for you.

1. Keep Eye Contact

People often say that the eyes are the window to the soul. They give people the ability to look at you and really see who you are deep down. That’s why eye contact is such an important part of attraction. Looking at a guy in the eyes will make him interested in you because it will allow him to see your inner beauty. Similarly, maintaining eye contact will also help you to exude confidence.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable

When you’re interested in someone, it can be easy to feel like you need to put on a front when you’re around them. However, that’s not always the best choice. Although you may want to come off as strong and capable, showing your vulnerable side is far more powerful. Doing so will grow a connection between you two that is based on real emotions and trust.

3. Be His Friend

Attraction and seduction are both vital aspects of any relationship, but they’re not the most important. Sure, you may be the sexiest woman alive, but that won’t matter if you can’t connect with a guy on a personal level. More than anything, you need to learn to be his friend before you can be his lover. Trust me, it will make him appreciate you so much more.

4. Hold His Hand

We often overlook the importance of physical touch. Simple gestures such as holding his hand or lying in his arms increase endorphins in the brain which will create a deeper bond between you both. Likewise, simple touches such as these are an important part of the intimacy between two people.

5. Open Up to Him

Tell him about your childhood, your family, your heartbreaks. You can even tell him about the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you. Although opening up to someone in that way can be terrifying, it’s hugely important. Hearing all your stories will make him fall deeper in love with you every time you tell one simply because he will get to know you even more.

6. Let Him Open Up to You

If he wants to learn more about you, then chances are that he wants you to learn about him too. So, encourage him to tell you about his life, his day, or the things that make him happy. It’s not always easy for some men to talk about themselves, so let him know that he can always talk to you. By doing that, you’ll create a sense of trust and safety for him when he’s with you.

7. Tell Him What You Want

As much as you may want them to be, men are not mind-readers. The guy you like won’t always know what you want which could lead you to be disappointed in the end. So, don’t leave it all up to him. Communicate effectively and simply tell him what you want from the relationship. It will be easier for both of you in the long run.

In all honesty, there is no one method that you can use on every guy that you meet. Despite that, these 7 things can easily make a guy go crazy for you. So, if you have a man in mind you’d love to be with, try these tricks out on him. He’s sure to fall for you in no time.

Do you have any single friends who are looking for a new relationship? Share this with them to show them which tricks they need to know to bag the man of their dreams.

If you have any questions or would like to ask for advice on the topics that we write about, please send an email to [email protected] with your question.

Eva Jackson